Tutorial by Topics: is

Installing Binaries for StackExchange.Redis are available on Nuget, and the source is available on Github. Common Tasks Profiling VersionRelease Date1.0.1872014-03-18
public type name[ = value]; private type name[ = value]; protected type name[ = value]; type name[ = value]; public class name{ class name{ From the Java tutorial: Access level modifiers determine whether other classes can use a particular field or invoke a particular method. There a...
List comprehensions in Python are concise, syntactic constructs. They can be utilized to generate lists from other lists by applying functions to each element in the list. The following section explains and demonstrates the use of these expressions. [x + 1 for x in (1, 2, 3)] # list comprehen...
When using boolean coercion, the following values are considered "falsy": false 0 "" (empty string) null undefined NaN (not a number, e.g. 0/0) document.all¹ (browser context) Everything else is considered "truthy". ¹ willful violation of the ECMAScript ...
The Python List is a general data structure widely used in Python programs. They are found in other languages, often referred to as dynamic arrays. They are both mutable and a sequence data type that allows them to be indexed and sliced. The list can contain different types of objects, including oth...
new Promise( /* executor function: */ function(resolve, reject) { }) promise.then(onFulfilled[, onRejected]) promise.catch(onRejected) Promise.resolve(resolution) Promise.reject(reason) Promise.all(iterable) Promise.race(iterable) Promises are part of the ECMAScript 2015 specificatio...
git log [options] [revision range] [[--] path...] Parameter          Explanation-q, --quietQuiet, suppresses diff output--sourceShows source of commit--use-mailmapUse mail map file (changes user info for committing user)--decorate[=...]Decorate options--L <n,m:file>Show log for specif...
!= - Is not equal to == - Is equal to > - greater than < - less than >= - greater than or equal to <= - less than or equal to is - test if objects are the exact same object is not = test if objects are not the exact same object ParameterDeta...
window.history.pushState(domain, title, path); window.history.replaceState(domain, title, path); ParameterDetailsdomainThe domain you want to update totitleThe title to update topathThe path to update to The HTML5 History API is not implemented by all browsers and implementations tend to ...
Visual Basic .NET is the official successor to Microsoft's original Visual Basic programming language. Visual Basic [.NET] appears to have similarities to Python with the lack of semicolons and brackets, but shares with C++ the basic structure of functions. Curly braces are absent in VB .NET, but ...
ls [OPTION]... [FILE]... OptionDescription-a, --allList all entries including ones that start with a dot-A, --almost-allList all entries excluding . and ..-cSort files by change time-d, --directoryList directory entries-h, --human-readableShow sizes in human readable format (i.e. K, M)-HSame...
HTML offers three ways for specifying lists: ordered lists, unordered lists, and description lists. Ordered lists use ordinal sequences to indicate the order of list elements, unordered lists use a defined symbol such as a bullet to list elements in no designated order, and description lists use ind...
git rev-list [options] <commit> ... ParameterDetails--onelineDisplay commits as a single line with their title.
This is a simple hello world function in Common Lisp. Examples will print the text Hello, World! (without quotation marks; followed by a newline) to the standard output. Common Lisp is a programming language that is largely used interactively using an interface known as a REPL. The REPL (Read Eva...
The C language does not define a linked list data structure. If you are using C and need a linked list, you either need to use a linked list from an existing library (such as GLib) or write your own linked list interface. This topic shows examples for linked lists and double linked lists that ca...

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