Tutorial by Topics: ix

The goal here is to not lose content, so the regex must not consume (match) any input. Rather it must match between the last character of the previous target input and the first character of the next target input. eg for 8-character substrings, we need to break the input up (ie match) at the place...
When creating advanced layouts, there may be scenarios when you'll need to use more than 12 column units in a single .row element. The concept of column wrapping and responsive resets (A.K.A. clearfixes) are essential to understanding responsive design with Bootstrap. Basics of the Bootstrap Grid ...
R = chol(A); [L,U] = lu(A); R = qr(A); T = schur(A); [U,S,V] = svd(A);
ParametersDetailsPixelHeight (System.Int32)The height of the image in units of image pixelsPixelWidth (System.Int32)The width of the image in units of image pixelsPixelFormat (System.Windows.Media.PixelFormat)The width of the image in units of image pixelsPixelsAnything which implements IList<T&...
Note that the /rel folder may not be needed in your .gitignore file. This is generated if you are using a release management tool such as exrm
Mobile Analytics service on IBM Bluemix allows you to analyze the usage of your Mobile applications. Instrument your app with the Mobile Analytics SDK and gain insights on your users, the way your app behaves and the configure alerts on specific events
Most Haskell functions are called with the function name followed by arguments (prefix notation). For functions that accept two arguments like (+), it sometimes makes sense to provide an argument before and after the function (infix).
R includes two date-time classes -- POSIXct and POSIXlt -- see ?DateTimeClasses. Pitfalls With POSIXct, midnight will display only the date and time zone, though the full time is still stored. Related topics Date and Time Specialized packages lubridate
Inspired by game development UIPheonix is a super easy, flexible, dynamic and highly scalable UI framework + concept for building reusable component/control-driven apps for macOS, iOS and tvOS. The same API apply for cross platform development! Think of it as using Lego blocks, you can use similar o...
Developed in AT&T Bell Labs by Ken Thomson as a single user OS in 1969. Initially written in assembly language Developed as multi-user OS. later rewritten in C in 1973 Licensed to university for educational purposes in 1974 POSIX (Portable Operating System for Unix) was developed

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