Tutorial by Topics: latin

Not all elements of the XML input will end up as elements of the parsed tree. Currently, this module skips over any XML comments, processing instructions, and document type declarations in the input. Nevertheless, trees built using this module’s API rather than parsing from XML text can have comm...
To increment and decrement things like 11:59AM, 3rd, and XVIII, use the plugin vim-speeddating
Blaze is a powerful library for creating user interfaces by writing dynamic, reactive HTML templates. Blaze templating allows for loops and conditional logic to be used directly in HTML markup. This section explains and demonstrates the proper usage of templating in Meteor.js with Blaze.
The Actions class gives us a way of emulating precisely how a user would interact with a web page/elements. Using an instance of this class you can describe a series of actions, such as clicking, double-clicking, dragging, pressing keys, etc. Once these actions are described, in order to carry the ...
Attributes are a specific type of object in the DOM API. In earlier versions of the DOM API, they inherited from the Node type, but this was changed in version 4. In the examples referring to dataset, "modern browsers" specifically excludes versions of Internet Explorer less than 11. Se...
Calculating row heights might be expensive and scrolling performance can suffer if you have larger amounts of data. In that scenario, override UITableViewSource.EstimatedHeight(UITableView, NSIndexPath) to quickly provide a number sufficient for rapid scrolling, e.g.,: public override nfloat Esti...
Examples of various ways to have OpenGL objects work with C++ RAII. RAII encapsulation of OpenGL objects has dangers. The most unavoidable is that OpenGL objects are associated with the OpenGL context that created them. So the destruction of a C++ RAII object must be done in a OpenGL context w...
player.awardAchievement(Achievement ach);
VBA can read and write strings in any language or script using Unicode. However, there are stricter rules in place for Identifier Tokens.

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