Tutorial by Topics: le

This spoiler syntax is specific to Stack Exchange, and is not part of a standard markdown syntax.
Tables are supported only in certain flavors of Markdown, including Markdown Extra and Github Flavored Markdown, but not in the original Markdown syntax or in CommonMark. Markdown tables are also not supported on Stack Exchange sites (with the exception of the Documentation beta).
Properties: Associated with a type Variables: Not associated with a type See the Swift Programming Language iBook for more information.
Due to the GIL (Global interpreter lock) only one instance of the python interpreter executes in a single process. So in general, using multi-threading only improves IO bound computations, not CPU-bound ones. The multiprocessing module is recommended if you wish to parallelise CPU-bound tasks. G...
While everything in Node.js is generally done asynchronously, require() is not one of those things. Since modules in practice only need to be loaded once, it is a blocking operation and should be used properly. Modules are cached after the first time they are loaded. Should you be editing a modul...
Oracle is a relational database management system (RDBMS) originally built by Larry Ellison, Bob Miner, and Ed Oates in the late 70s. It was intended to be compatible with IBM's System R. VersionRelease DateVersion 1 (unreleased)1978-01-01Oracle V21979-01-01Oracle Version 31983-01-01Oracle Ver...
_Generic ( assignment-expression , generic-assoc-list ) ParameterDetailsgeneric-assoc-listgeneric-association OR generic-assoc-list , generic-associationgeneric-associationtype-name : assignment-expression OR default : assignment-expression All type qualifiers will be dropped during the ...
A tuple type is a comma-separated list of types, enclosed in parentheses. This list of types also can have name of the elements and use those names to refer to the values of the individual elements. An element name consists of an identifier followed immediately by a colon (:). Common use - We ca...
When using Channel Groups, you should not add or remove channels in your client side applications. This example shows adding channels to a channel group and subscribing to that channel group for simplicity sake. But in a real world scenario, you should have your server do all the add/remove of cha...
<htmlElement ng-controller="controllerName"> ... </htmlElement> <script> app.controller('controllerName', controllerFunction); </script>
ParameterDetailsbuttonSimple payment buttonconfigPayPal configuration object housing our client ID (from application creation) and the environment we want to use (sandbox or live)paymentPayPal payment detailspaymentConfigConfiguration Intent for the payment information and settingsserviceConfigConf...
CSS selectors identify specific HTML elements as targets for CSS styles. This topic covers how CSS selectors target HTML elements. Selectors use a wide range of over 50 selection methods offered by the CSS language, including elements, classes, IDs, pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes, and patterns. ...
When testing, it is sometimes useful to use a test double to manipulate or verify the behaviour of the system under test. The doubles are passed or injected into the class or method under test instead of instances of production code.
Reflection is commonly used by programs which require the ability to examine or modify the runtime behavior of applications running in the JVM. Java Reflection API is used for that purpose where it makes it possible to inspect classes, interfaces, fields and methods at runtime, without knowing their...
Some languages require you to define ahead of time what kind of variable you're declaring. JavaScript doesn't do that; it will try to figure that out on its own. Sometimes this can create unexpected behavior. If we use the following HTML <span id="freezing-point">0</span> ...
while (boolean_expression) { block_expression } do { block_expression } while (boolean_expression) ParameterDetailsboolean_expressionAny expression that will evaluate to true or false.block_expressionAny expression or set of expressions that will be evaluated if the boolean_expres...
var x int // declare variable x with type int var s string // declare variable s with type string x = 4 // define x value s = "foo" // define s value y := 5 // declare and define y inferring its type to int f := 4.5 // declare and define f inferring its type to float64 b := &quo...
ipairs(numeric_table) -- Lua table with numeric indices iterator pairs(input_table) -- generic Lua table iterator key, value = next(input_table, input_key) -- Lua table value selector table.insert(input_table, [position], value) -- insert specified value into the input table removed_value = ta...

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