Tutorial by Topics: n

!= - Is not equal to == - Is equal to > - greater than < - less than >= - greater than or equal to <= - less than or equal to is - test if objects are the exact same object is not = test if objects are not the exact same object ParameterDeta...
import module_name import module_name.submodule_name from module_name import * from module_name import submodule_name [, class_name, function_name, ...etc] from module_name import some_name as new_name from module_name.submodule_name import class_name [, function_name, ...etc] Importi...
Function pointers are pointers that point to functions instead of data types. They can be used to allow variability in the function that is to be called, at run-time. returnType (*name)(parameters) typedef returnType (*name)(parameters) typedef returnType Name(parameters); Name *n...
Haskell is an advanced purely-functional programming language. Features: Statically typed: Every expression in Haskell has a type which is determined at compile time. Static type checking is the process of verifying the type safety of a program based on analysis of a program's text (source...
Anchor tags are commonly used to link separate webpages, but they can also be used to link between different places in a single document, often within table of contents or even launch external applications. This topic explains the implementation and application of HTML anchor tags in various roles. ...
VersionRelease DatePrivate Beta2016-03-2612016-07-2522016-08-0432016-08-2942016-09-1252016-09-2962016-10-2072016-11-29
For many programmers the regex is some sort of magical sword that they throw to solve any kind of text parsing situation. But this tool is nothing magical, and even though it's great at what it does, it's not a full featured programming language (i.e. it is not Turing-complete). What does 'regu...
JOIN is a method of combining (joining) information from two tables. The result is a stitched set of columns from both tables, defined by the join type (INNER/OUTER/CROSS and LEFT/RIGHT/FULL, explained below) and join criteria (how rows from both tables relate). A table may be joined to itself or t...
global a, b, c nonlocal a, b x = something # binds x (x, y) = something # binds x and y x += something # binds x. Similarly for all other "op=" del x # binds x for x in something: # binds x with something as x: # binds x except Exception as ex: # binds ex inside block ...
try { … } catch (error) { … } try { … } finally { … } try { … } catch (error) { … } finally { … } throw new Error([message]); throw Error([message]); try allows you to define a block of code to be tested for errors while it is being executed. catch allows you to define a block of code ...
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successFunc, failureFunc) navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(updateFunc, failureFunc) navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(watchId) The Geolocation API does what you might expect: retrieve information about the client's whereabouts, represented in lat...
For full documentation including version-specific functionality, please check the official documentation. Types Defaults the json module will handle encoding and decoding of the below types by default: De-serialisation types: JSONPythonobjectdictarrayliststringstrnumber (int)intnumber (...
A key component of interactive web systems, input tags are HTML elements designed to take a specific form of input from users. Different types of input elements can regulate the data entered to fit a specified format and provide security to password entry. <input type="" name=&quo...
str.capitalize() -> str str.casefold() -> str [only for Python > 3.3] str.center(width[, fillchar]) -> str str.count(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int str.decode(encoding="utf-8"[, errors]) -> unicode [only in Python 2.x] str.encode(encoding="utf-8"...
timeoutID = setTimeout(function() {}, milliseconds) intervalID = setInterval(function() {}, milliseconds) timeoutID = setTimeout(function() {}, milliseconds, parameter, parameter, ...) intervalID = setInterval(function() {}, milliseconds, parameter, parameter, ...) clearTimeout(timeoutID) cle...
Generator functions (defined by the function* keyword) run as coroutines, generating a series of values as they're requested through an iterator. function* name(parameters) { yield value; return value } generator = name(arguments) { value, done } = generator.next(value) { value, done } = ge...
For more information about errors, see The Swift Programming Language.

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