Tutorial by Topics: pre

The function parse convert text and files into expressions. The function eval evaluate expressions.
Regular expressions (also called "regex" or "regexp") define patterns that can be matched against a string. Type ?regex for the official R documentation and see the Regex Docs for more details. The most important 'gotcha' that will not be learned in the SO regex/topics is that mo...
Special Characters *?+[(){}^$|\./
Predicate Format String Substitions C format string specifiers: %d, %s, %f, etc Object substitution: %@ Keypath substitution: %K Predicate Comparison Operators =, ==: Left-hand expression equals right-hand expression >=, =>: Left-hand expression is greater than or equal to righ...
Method: getActive() Return Type: Spreadsheet
Video playback is front and center in a large range of modern solutions, with the software and standards evolving rapidly. To understand what makes up a media presentation, you must first understand the multiple aspects involved in working with video: Raw color information captured from the phy...
CarouselView is a Xamarin Control which can contains any kind of View. This pre-release control can only be used in Xamarin Forms projects. In the example provided by James Montemagno, on the blog of Xamarin, CarouselView is used to display images. At this moment CarouselView is not integrated ...
esc_html( string $text ) esc_url( string $url, array $protocols, string $_context ) esc_js( string $text ) wp_json_encode( mixed $data, int $options, int $depth = 512 ) esc_attr( string $text ) esc_textarea( string $text ) Security should be always in mind when developing. Without secu...
To make it more difficult for others to hack your website you can remove the WordPress version number from your site, your css and js. Without that number it's not possible to see if you run not the current version to exploit bugs from the older versions. Additionally it can improve the loading sp...
npm install [plugin-name] --save-dev npm install [plugin-name] --save Function <function-name> (glob) { $.src(glob).pipe([plugin 1]).pipe([plugin 2])....pipe([plugin n]).pipe( $.dest(<destination-name>) } $.task(<taskname> , [dependencies] , <body>); Continue Read...
Cool. So we are all done with our workflow automation. We now have a gulp file , that Responsifies and minifies images cleans,autoprefixes,concatenates and minifies Css Concatenates and minifies JS Watches for changes to assets be it HTML | CSS | JS and triggers associated tasks Creates a ...
sanitize_text_field( string $str ) sanitize_title( string $title, string $fallback_title, string $context ) sanitize_email( string $email ) sanitize_html_class( string $class, string $fallback ) sanitize_file_name( string $name ) sanitize_user( string $username, boolean $strict ) Secur...
One thing you might consider with any domains in your forest is how many physical vs virtual machines you want to have. Personally I believe that there should be one physical machine per domain. One of the reasons I believe this is because of how the clocks are handled on, specifically in my cas...

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