Tutorial by Topics: q

Qt provides its own template container classes. They are all implicitly shared. They provide two kinds of iterators (Java style and STL style.) Qt sequential containers include: QVector, QList, QLinkedList, QStack, QQueue. Qt associative containers include: QMap, QMultiMap, QHash, QMultiHash, QS...
QObject class is the base class for all Qt objects.
Custom requests (or Form Requests) are useful in situations when one wants to authorize & validate a request before hitting the controller method. One may think of two practical uses, creating & updating a record while each action has a different set of validation (or authorization) rules. ...
Since they are unnamed, anonymous blocks cannot be referenced by other program units.
ParameterDetailsnameValue: string, Default: yesdbtypeValue: query/hql, Default: no, Remarks: when left blank, it's a normal querydatasourceDefault: no, Remarks: databaseparamsValue: structure, Default: no, Remarks: cfscript syntax only! In cfml they are written inside SLQ stament using <cfqueryp...
Warning Prepared statement cannot care a wild parameter for the table names. For exemple this following statement is not correct : $query = "SELECT name, city FROM ? WHERE id = ? AND country = ?"; The correct prepared query would be : $query = "SELECT name, city FROM users WHE...
Create your own api with Microsoft SQL database and implemente them in Xamarin forms application.
level clause is responsible for generating N number of dummy records based on some specific condition.
ParameterDetailsNumber 1Numeric ControlNumber 2Numeric ControlSumNumeric Indicator
The class is called ExpressionBuilder. It has three properties: private static readonly MethodInfo ContainsMethod = typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains", new[] { typeof(string) }); private static readonly MethodInfo StartsWithMethod = typeof(string).GetMethod("StartsWith", n...
Qualifiers are used in this common format: Files: filename.qualifier-value.ext ~ multiple qualifiers: filename.qualifier1-value1_qualifier2-value2_....ext Qualified folders: qualifier-value ~ multiple qualifiers: qualifier1-value1_qualifier2-value2_... Qualifiers are listed bellow, they a...

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