Tutorial by Topics: str

A private and secure docker registry instead of a Docker Hub. Basic docker skills are required. CommandExplanationsudo docker run -p 5000:5000Start a docker container and bind the port 5000 from container to the port 5000 of the physical machine.--name registryContainer name (use to make “docke...
Strict Mode is a special class introduced in Android 2.3 for debugging. This developer tools detect things done accidentally and bring them to our attention so that we can fix them. It is most commonly used to catch the accidental disk or network access on the applications’ main thread, where UI ope...
This section provides an overview of what gstreamer is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within gstreamer, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for gstreamer is new, you may need to create initial versions of those relate...
The Ada standard library provides for I/O of traditional files of text or binary data, as well as I/O of streamed files. Files of binary data will be sequences of values of a type, while stream files can be sequences of values of possibly different types. To read and write elements of different ...
The Angular UI Bootstrap gives you access to all the standard bootstrap icons in your AngularJS application. In the world of bootstrap these icons are normally referred to as glyphicons. Using these glyphicons wisely can quickly give your app a more polished look and can be a great way to dip your t...
In Progress ABL there are two types of strings, those defined as CHARACTER and those defined as LONGCHAR. A file larger than 32K in length is a LONGCHAR. Most strings are unless specified any other way case insensitive. Remember - all positions start with the position 1!
Quick examples for MID LEFT and RIGHT string functions using INSTR FIND and LEN. How do you find the text between two search terms (Say: after a colon and before a comma)? How do you get the remainder of a word (using MID or using RIGHT)? Which of these functions use Zero-based params and return c...
Firebase database is a NoSQL database that stores its data in the form of hierarchal JSON objects. There are no tables or records of any form as an SQL database would normally have, just nodes that make up a key-value structure. Data Normalization In order to have a properly designed database stru...
The easiest way to create a RESTful API in Grails is to expose a domain class as a REST resource. This can be done by adding the grails.rest.Resource transformation to any domain class.
Bootstrap 4 is a major rewrite and there are many changes to be aware of when upgrading from Bootstap 3. Here are the class name changes, tips and examples of migrating your Bootstrap 3.x code to Bootstrap 4.x. This just a small example more detailed examples to be followed.
This topic covers basic structures in OpenCV. The structures that will be discussed in this topic are DataType, Point, Vec, Size, Rect, Scalar, Ptr and Mat.
In this post I will demonstrate how to pass external data to Angular app before the app bootstraps. This external data could be configuration data, legacy data, server rendered etc.
sub and gsub are used to edit strings using patterns. See Pattern Matching and Replacement for more on related functions and Regular Expressions for how to build a pattern.
This section provides details of how to organize the files and folders for a phonegap-build project, along with a brief description of each file and folder. It must focus on the files & folders that are uploaded to the phonegap-build service. It should be updated whenever there is any change in...
This topic focuses on the use of the nltk.FreqDist() class.
This class allows you to define programmatically a set of constraints to be used with ConstraintLayout. It lets you create and save constraints, and apply them to an existing ConstraintLayout.

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