Tutorial by Examples

Introduction NMAKE is a command-line utility developed by Microsoft to be used primarily in conjunction with Microsoft Visual Studio and/or the Visual C++ command line tools. NMAKE is build system that falls under the Make family of build systems, but has certain distinct features that diverge fro...
Introduction The Autotools are a group of programs that create a GNU Build System for a given software package. It is a suite of tools that work together to produce various build resources, such as a Makefile (to be used with GNU Make). Thus, Autotools can be considered a de facto build system gene...
Session storage service : Common factory service that will save and return the saved session data based on the key. 'use strict'; /** * @ngdoc factory * @name app.factory:storageService * @description This function will communicate with HTML5 sessionStorage via Factory Service. */ a...
If a view is created WITH SCHEMABINDING, the underlying table(s) can't be dropped or modified in such a way that they would break the view. For example, a table column referenced in a view can't be removed. CREATE VIEW dbo.PersonsView WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT name, address FROM d...
Maybe Maybe is an applicative functor containing a possibly-absent value. instance Applicative Maybe where pure = Just Just f <*> Just x = Just $ f x _ <*> _ = Nothing pure lifts the given value into Maybe by applying Just to it. The (<*>) function applies...
//Using File.WriteAllBytes using (ExcelPackage excelPackage = new ExcelPackage()) { //create a new Worksheet ExcelWorksheet worksheet = excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet 1"); //add some text to cell A1 worksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "My secon...
//create a new ExcelPackage using (ExcelPackage excelPackage = new ExcelPackage()) { //create the WorkSheet ExcelWorksheet worksheet = excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet 1"); //add some text to cell A1 worksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "My second...
The first to thing to have: a model that contains a has_many relation with another model. class Project < ApplicationRecord has_many :todos end class Todo < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :project end In ProjectsController: class ProjectsController < ApplicationController d...
It is a bad practice to block on async calls as it can cause deadlocks in environments that have a synchronization context. The best practice is to use async/await "all the way down." For example, the following Windows Forms code causes a deadlock: private async Task<bool> TryThis()...
//Using File.WriteAllBytes using (ExcelPackage excelPackage = new ExcelPackage()) { //create a new Worksheet ExcelWorksheet worksheet = excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet 1"); //add some text to cell A1 worksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "My fourt...
The easiest way to record a macro is the button in the lower left corner of Excel looks like this: When you click on this you will get a pop-up asking you to name the Macro and decide if you want to have a shortcut key. Also, asks where to store the macro and for a description. You can choose any ...
<html> <body> <% out.print("Today is:"+java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); %> </body> </html>
A data structure is a way of organizing and storing information. Let a "Hello, World!" string be the information that we need to organize and store in byte-addressable memory. Each ASCII character requires 7 bits of storage. Most systems reserve 8 bits (1 byte) for each character, so eac...
Ifconfig List all the interfaces available on the machine $ ifconfig -a List the details of a specific interface Syntax: $ ifconfig <interface> Example: $ ifconfig eth0 eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx inet addr:x.x.x.x Bcast:x.x.x.x Mask:x.x.x.x ...
An IP address to an interface could be obtained via DHCP or Static assignment DHCP If you are connected to a network with a DHCP server running, dhclient command can get an IP address for your interface $ dhclient <interface> or alternatively, you could make a change to the /etc/network/...
File: /etc/hosts contains a list of hosts that are to be resolved locally(not by DNS) Sample contents of the file: your-node-name.your-domain.com localhost.localdomain localhost XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX node-name The file format for the hosts file is specified by RFC 952
File: /etc/resolv.conf contains a list of DNS servers for domain name resolution Sample contents of the file: nameserver # IP address of the primary name server nameserver # IP address of the secondary name server In case internal DNS server you can validate if this server reso...
IMPORTANT This is just an example code, do not use in production. In order to download an header chain we have to send a getHeaders message. In this example we will require as much as possible headers after the 40000th one.The peer will respond with batch of 2000 headers so, we have to take the la...
This should always be your initial fix. A good policy is to decompile the database before each release. Create a decompile shortcut. This loads the database with a "/decompile" switch. Right Click your Database File. Select Copy Right Click in the explorer window and select &quot...
If your crashes are random or sporadic, then do this step. If your crashes occur every single time you run the database, then this step won't fix the issue (although bad memory may be the reason why the corruption occurred in the first place). Use a memory tester that boots outside the operating sy...

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