Tutorial by Examples

The place() manager organises widgets by placing them in a specific position in the parent widget. This geometry manager uses the options anchor, bordermode, height, width, relheight, relwidth,relx, rely, x and y. Anchor Indicates where the widget is anchored to. The options are compass directions...
Let's say you use Webpack for front end bundling. You can add webpack-dev-middleware to serve your statics through tiny and fast server. It allows you to automatically reload your assets when content has changed, serve statics in memory without continuously writing intermediate versions on disk. Pr...
To allow a bokeh application to be executed like a normal .py file, you need to handle the tornado IOloop in your application, as described here. A standalone bokeh application like this can be used to implement a console script entry point in setup.py. However, this requires bokeh version >= 0....
Hot Module Replacement allows to add, change or delete app module when application is running. Page reloading is not needed in this case. Prerequisites In addition to webpack-dev-middleware packages: npm install --save-dev webpack-hot-middleware Configuration Simply update configuration of UseW...
You can use aspnetcore-spa generator for Yeoman to create brand-new single page application with asp.net core. This allows you to choose one of the popular front end frameworks and generates project with webpack, dev server, hot module replacement and server-side rendering features. Just run npm ...
This example helper class interacts with the finger print manager and performs encryption and decryption of password. Please note that the method used for encryption in this example is AES. This is not the only way to encrypt and other examples exist. In this example the data is encrypted and decryp...
The clj-time.coerce library can help converting other date-time formats to joda time format (clj-time.core/date-time). The other formats include Java long format, String, Date, SQL Date. To convert time from other time formats, include the library and use the from- function, e.g. (require '[clj-ti...
First, you'll need to install the Kotlin plugin. For Windows: Navigate to File → Settings → Plugins → Install JetBrains plugin For Mac: Navigate to Android Studio → Preferences → Plugins → Install JetBrains plugin And then search for and install Kotlin. You'll need to restart the IDE af...
You can create a New Project in Android Studio and then add Kotlin support to it or modify your existing project. To do it, you have to: Add dependency to a root gradle file - you have to add the dependency for kotlin-android plugin to a root build.gradle file. buildscript { repositorie...
Click to File → New → Kotlin Activity. Choose a type of the Activity. Select name and other parameter for the Activity. Finish. Final class could look like this: import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity import android.os.Bundle class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { ...
Kotlin Plugin for Android Studio support converting existing Java files to Kotlin files. Choose a Java file and invoke action Convert Java File to Kotlin File:
The simplest of the five trigger types, the Trigger is responsible for setting properties based on other properties within the same control. <TextBlock> <TextBlock.Style> <Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}"> <Style.Triggers> ...
In windows Platform Step 1: Installation of Ruby If you already have installed ruby in your pc then you can skip this step. Go to rubyinstaller.org's download page and download one of the stable version of ruby corresponding to architecture of your windows platform. Again download development ...
# Roll a 6 sided die, rand(6) returns a number from 0 to 5 inclusive dice_roll_result = 1 + rand(6)
# ruby 1.92 lower_limit = 1 upper_limit = 6 Random.new.rand(lower_limit..upper_limit) # Change your range operator to suit your needs
(Beginner level; IDE: CLion) First, install boost from the Cygwin mirror: open the install exe, search for boost, install the packages. After boost is installed: it will be located in /usr/include/boost. This is where everything is. All #include statements will be a path from the boost folder,...
public class NetworkConnection : IDisposable { string _networkName; public NetworkConnection(string networkName, NetworkCredential credentials) { _networkName = networkName; var netResource = new NetResource() {...
The hslogger module provides a similar API to Python's logging framework, and supports hierarchically named loggers, levels and redirection to handles outside of stdout and stderr. By default, all messages of level WARNING and above are sent to stderr and all other log levels are ignored. import ...
The first instrument you’ll look at is the Time Profiler. At measured intervals, Instruments will halt the execution of the program and take a stack trace on each running thread. Think of it as pressing the pause button in Xcode’s debugger.Here’s a sneak preview of the Time Profiler :- This scree...
apm is Atom's native package manager. It allows the user to manage packages and themes without having to initialise Atom itself. apm comes with the official installation and is automatically added to %PATH% if you're on Windows. To use apm, go to Command Prompt and type $ apm <command> He...

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