Tutorial by Examples: al

Catching exceptions in Kotlin looks very similar to Java try { doSomething() } catch(e: MyException) { handle(e) } finally { cleanup() } You can also catch multiple exceptions try { doSomething() } catch(e: FileSystemException) { handle(e) } catch(e: Network...
IF you are using simple categories, with each physics body belonging to only one category, then this alternative form of didBeginContact may be more readable: func didBeginContact(contact: SKPhysicsContact) { let contactMask = contact.bodyA.categoryBitMask | contact.bodyB.categoryBitMask ...
;;Recursively print the elements of a list (defun print-list (elements) (cond ((null elements) '()) ;; Base case: There are no elements that have yet to be printed. Don't do anything and return a null list. (t ;; Recursive case ;; Print the next elem...
You can technically access the Google Analytics APIs using any programing language that can handle a HTTP Post or HTTP Get request. That being said, Google has also created a number of official standard client libraries to help you with this. Using a standard client library for your chosen programm...
For performance reasons, or due to the existence of mature C libraries, you may want to call C code from a Haskell program. Here is a simple example of how you can pass data to a C library and get an answer back. foo.c: #include <inttypes.h> int32_t foo(int32_t a) { return a+1; } F...
Most examples of a function returning a value involve providing a pointer as one of the arguments to allow the function to modify the value pointed to, similar to the following. The actual return value of the function is usually some type such as an int to indicate the status of the result, whether ...
Any method in Rails model can return boolean value. simple method- ##this method return ActiveRecord::Relation def check_if_user_profile_is_complete User.includes( :profile_pictures,:address,:contact_detail).where("user.id = ?",self) end Again simple method returning bool...
Inside a Project configuration, you can Create build configuration: Manually Provide a Name and a Description. The Build Configuration ID is generated from the ProjectName, and the Build Configuration Name's. Once your configuraion is Saved, you can specify a Version Control Settings. This will ...
Unlike normal Rust references, raw pointers are allowed to take null values. use std::ptr; // Create a const NULL pointer let null_ptr: *const u16 = ptr::null(); // Create a mutable NULL pointer let mut_null_ptr: *mut u16 = ptr::null_mut();
Processing provides a method named line() to draw a line on the screen. This code draws a white 10 pixel line on black background. void setup() { size(500, 500); background(0); stroke(255); strokeWeight(10); } void draw() { line(0, 0, 500, 500); } The signature of m...
Detailed instructions on getting doxygen set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting pagination set up or installed.
Let's say we have 8 houses. We want to setup telephone lines between these houses. The edge between the houses represent the cost of setting line between two houses. Our task is to set up lines in such a way that all the houses are connected and the cost of setting up the whole connection is mini...
FullCalendar can be downloaded from it's website: https://fullcalendar.io/download/ from NPM: $ npm install fullcalendar from Bower: $ bower install fullcalendar or CDNJS: //cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fullcalendar/3.0.1/fullcalendar.min.js //cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fullca...
Depending on your target machine, you need to choose a supported ROS Version (or vice-versa). Although ROS installation is well documented in the ROS wiki, It might be confusing to find them. So, here's a table of the ROS Version, target platforms & architecture and the links for the appropriate...
Consider the following Java classes: class Foo { private Bar bar; public void foo() { bar.baz(); } } As can be seen, the class Foo needs to call the method baz on an instance of another class Bar for its method foo to work successfully. Bar is said to be a dependency for Foo sin...
The same examples as shown above with XML configuration can be re-written with Java configuration as follows. Constructor injection @Configuration class AppConfig { @Bean public Bar bar() { return new Bar(); } @Bean public Foo foo() { return new Foo(bar()); } } Property in...
Data Visualization is an art of presenting the data in a manner that even a non-analyst can understand it. A perfect blend of aesthetic elements like colors, dimensions, labels can create visual masterpieces, hence revealing surprising business insights which in turn helps businesses to make informe...
One easy algorithm to implement as a recursive function is factorial. ;;Compute the factorial for any n >= 0. Precondition: n >= 0, n is an integer. (defun factorial (n) (cond ((= n 0) 1) ;; Special case, 0! = 1 ((= n 1) 1) ;; Base case, 1! = 1 (t ...
If you're creating an image, decoding an image, or resizing an image to fit the large notification image area, you can get the correct pixel dimensions like so: Resources resources = context.getResources(); int width = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(android.R.dimen.notification_large_icon_width)...

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