Tutorial by Examples: c

String hubUrl = "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub" DesiredCapabilities capability = DesiredCapabilities.firefox(); //or which browser you want RemoteWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(hubUrl, capability);
Creating a hub A quick configuration for a hub and node setup in selenium grid. For more information see: Grid 2 docs Requirements To set up a grid hub you need the flowing: Selenium-server-standalone-.jar Creating the hub To Create a Hub you need to run the selenium server. Download Se...
Using a custom inspector allows you to change the way a script is drawn in the Inspector. Sometimes you want to add extra information in the inspector for your script that isn't possible to do with a custom property drawer. Below is a simple example of a custom object that with using a custom inspe...
Sometimes you have custom objects that contain data but do not derive from MonoBehaviour. Adding these objects as a field in a class that is MonoBehaviour will have no visual effect unless you write your own custom property drawer for the object's type. Below is a simple example of a custom object,...
By default, the navigation pattern works like a stack of pages, calling the newest pages over the previous pages. You will need to use the NavigationPage object for this. Pushing new pages ... public class App : Application { public App() { MainPage = new NavigationPage(new ...
In CSS3, we can stack multiple background in the same element. #mydiv { background-image: url(img_1.png), /* top image */ url(img_2.png), /* middle image */ url(img_3.png); /* bottom image */ background-position: right bottom, ...
SELECT Name FROM Customers WHERE PhoneNumber IS NULL Selection with nulls take a different syntax. Don't use =, use IS NULL or IS NOT NULL instead.
The interface defines the behaviour that you want to expose through the DependencyService. One example usage of a DependencyService is a Text-To-Speech service. There is currently no abstraction for this feature in Xamarin.Forms, so you need to create your own. Start off by defining an interface for...
After you've created and registered your platform-specific classes you can start hooking them up to your shared code. The following page contains a button that triggers the text-to-speech functionality using a pre-defined sentence. It uses DependencyService to retrieve a platform-specific implementa...
Given this data User_IDCompletion_Date12016-07-2012016-07-2122016-07-2022016-07-2122016-07-22 ;with CTE as (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY User_ID ORDER BY Completion_Date DESC) Row_Num FROM Data) SELECT * FORM CTE WHERE Row_Num <= n Us...
First of all you need to create a class which extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration : public class SimpleBlueDivider extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration { private Drawable mDivider; public SimpleBlueDivider(Context context) { mDivider = context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.divider_b...
Refer to the tf.slice(input, begin, size) documentation for detailed information. Arguments: input: Tensor begin: starting location for each dimension of input size: number of elements for each dimension of input, using -1 includes all remaining elements Numpy-like slicing: # x has shape...
Some functions only work on a certain type of argument: function foo(tab) return tab.bar end --> returns nil if tab has no field bar, which is acceptable --> returns 'attempt to index a number value' if tab is, for example, 3 --> which is unacceptable function kungfoo(tab) ...
It is now a best-practice to use Vector instead of List because the implementations have better performance Performance characteristics can be found here. Vector can be used wherever List is used. List creation List[Int]() // Declares an empty list of type Int List.empty[Int] // U...
Note that this deals with the creation of a collection of type Map, which is distinct from the map method. Map Creation Map[String, Int]() val m1: Map[String, Int] = Map() val m2: String Map Int = Map() A map can be considered a collection of tuples for most operations, where the first e...
A counter using an FPGA style flip-flop initialisation: module counter( input clk, output reg[7:0] count ) initial count = 0; always @ (posedge clk) begin count <= count + 1'b1; end A counter implemented using asynchronous resets suitable for ASIC synthesis: module counter...
A non-blocking assignment (<=) is used for assignment inside edge-sensitive always blocks. Within a block, the new values are not visible until the entire block has been processed. For example: module flip( input clk, input reset ) reg f1; reg f2; always @ (posedge clk) begin ...
Sitecore ships with a set of standard indexes pre-configured which you can extend, or you can define your own. Of the pre-configured, sitecore_master_index & sitecore_web_index are of most interest for your site search. These are the predefined indexes for all of your Sitecore items in the tree ...
Demo HTML <script type="x-template" id="form-template"> <label>{{inputLabel}} :</label> <input type="text" v-model="name" /> </script> <div id="app"> <h2>{{appName}}</h2> <form-co...
//Swift imageView.tintColor = UIColor.redColor() imageView.image = imageView.image?.imageWithRenderingMode(.AlwaysTemplate) //Swift 3 imageView.tintColor = UIColor.red imageView.image = imageView.image?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) //Objective-C imageView.tintColor = [UIColor redCol...

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