Tutorial by Examples: c

The purpose of this example is to show how we can realize the Strategy pattern using Java 8 functional interfaces. We will start with a simple use case codes in classic Java, and then recode it in the Java 8 way. The example problem we using is a family of algorithms (strategies) that describe dif...
To generate documentation in HTML format from @doc and @moduledoc attributes in your source code, add ex_doc and a markdown processor, right now ExDoc supports Earmark, Pandoc, Hoedown and Cmark, as dependencies into your mix.exs file: # config/mix.exs def deps do [{:ex_doc, "~> 0.11&...
Use assert_raise to test if an exception was raised. assert_raise takes in an Exception and a function to be executed. test "invalid block size" do assert_raise(MerkleTree.ArgumentError, (fn() -> MerkleTree.new ["a", "b", "c"] end)) end Wrap a...
# lib/mix/tasks/mytask.ex defmodule Mix.Tasks.MyTask do use Mix.Task @shortdoc "A simple mix task" def run(_) do IO.puts "YO!" end end Compile and run: $ mix compile $ mix my_task "YO!"
Use defdelegate to define functions that delegate to functions of the same name defined in another module: defmodule Math do defdelegate pi, to: :math end iex> Math.pi 3.141592653589793
Inheritance the a fundamental mechanism of CSS by which the computed values of some properties of an element are applied to its' children. This is particularly useful when you want to set a global style to your elements rather than having to set said properties to each and every element in your mark...
Some properties are not automatically inherited from an element down to its' children. This is because those properties are typically desired to be unique to the element (or selection of elements) to which the property is applied to. Common such properties are margin, padding, background, display, e...
iex> :observer.start :ok :observer.start opens the GUI observer interface, showing you CPU breakdown, memory usage, and other information critical to understanding the usage patterns of your applications.
Hierarchy - LinearLayout(horizontal) - ImageView - LinearLayout(vertical) - TextView - TextView Code LinearLayout rootView = new LinearLayout(context); rootView.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); rootView.s...
Simple item insertion can be done with Array.prototype.splice method: arr.splice(index, 0, item); More advanced variant with multiple arguments and chaining support: /* Syntax: array.insert(index, value1, value2, ..., valueN) */ Array.prototype.insert = function(index) { this.splice.a...
// Uses Windows authentication. Replace the Trusted_Connection parameter with // User Id=...;Password=...; to use SQL Server authentication instead. You may // want to find the appropriate connection string for your server. string connectionString = @"Server=myServer\myInstance;Database=myDa...
To initialize react-native init MyAwesomeProject To initialize with a specific version of React Native react-native init --version="0.36.0" MyAwesomeProject To Run for Android cd MyAwesomeProject react-native run-android To Run for iOS cd MyAwesomeProject react-native run-io...
The static storage class serves different purposes, depending on the location of the declaration in the file: To confine the identifier to that translation unit only (scope=file). /* No other translation unit can use this variable. */ static int i; /* Same; static is attached to the functi...
$ react-native start On latest version of React Native, no need to run the packager. It will run automatically. By default this starts the server at port 8081. To specify which port the server is on $ react-native start --port PORTNUMBER
The reduce method reduces the collection to a single value, passing the result of each iteration into the subsequent iteration. Please see reduce method. The reduce method loops through each item with a collection and produces new result to the next iteration. Each result from the last iteration ...
The <see> tag can be used to link to another class. It contains the cref member which should contain the name of the class that is to be referenced. Visual Studio will provide Intellsense when writing this tag and such references will be processed when renaming the referenced class, too. /// ...
You can use the System.IO.File.ReadAllText function to read the entire contents of a file into a string. string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"C:\MyFolder\MyTextFile.txt"); You can also read a file as an array of lines using the System.IO.File.ReadAllLines function: string[] line...
The System.IO.StreamWriter class: Implements a TextWriter for writing characters to a stream in a particular encoding. Using the WriteLine method, you can write content line-by-line to a file. Notice the use of the using keyword which makes sure the StreamWriter object is disposed as soon as ...
You can use the System.IO.File.WriteAllText function to write a string to a file. string text = "String that will be stored in the file"; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"C:\MyFolder\OutputFile.txt", text); You can also use the System.IO.File.WriteAllLines function which receiv...
The System.String class supports a number of methods to convert between uppercase and lowercase characters in a string. System.String.ToLowerInvariant is used to return a String object converted to lowercase. System.String.ToUpperInvariant is used to return a String object converted to upper...

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