Tutorial by Examples: c

One of the most important things to learn when you are making a WordPress theme is the WordPress Template hierarchy for themes. The template hierarchy defines what template file that will be loaded for each request and in what order. If the first template does not exist in the hierarchy WordPress wi...
1. Include the font in your Xcode project. 2. Make sure that they are included in the Target Membership column Click on the font from the navigator, and check if the font included. 3. Check if the font included as Resource in your bundle click on your Xcode project file, select "Build P...
After you obtained BluetoothDevice, you can communicate with it. This kind of communication performed by using socket input\output streams: Those are the basic steps for Bluetooth communication establishment: 1) Initialize socket: private BluetoothSocket _socket; //... public InitializeSock...
You can create a new cron entry by simply typing crontab -e on the command line. If it's the first time you want to edit your crontab(le), you will be prompted with an editor selection: no crontab for <user> - using an empty one Select an editor. To change later, run 'select-editor'. ...
Create a sample application using spring-boot from spring-boot initializer site. Import the code in your local IDE and run the goal as clean install spring-boot:run -e Go to target folder and check for the jar file. Open your Amazon account or create a new Amazon Account and selec...
Using the Swift class Mirror works if you want to extract name, value and type (Swift 3: type(of: value), Swift 2: value.dynamicType) of properties for an instance of a certain class. If you class inherits from NSObject, you can use the method class_copyPropertyList together with property_getAttrib...
If you want to upload .ipa file to itunesconnect without integrating developer account in Xcode and you want to use application loader. then you can generate .ipa with iTunes . Step 1 :- Select device inplace of simulator. Step 2 :- Go to Product -> select Archive Step 3 :- After complited...
Considering the following case: We have user event data with 4 dimensions: A/B Test bucket (prod/test) client Type (web/mobile) module (order/report) event (click/view) test mobile order_module click prod web order_module view prod mobile order_module click ...
It's a good practice to encode state of Single Page Application (SPA) in url: my-app.com/admin-spa/users/edit/id123 This allows to save and share application state. When user puts url into browser's address bar and hits enter server must ignore client-side part of the requested url. If you serv...
When building a React application, it is often desirable to divide components based on their primary responsibility, into Presentational and Container components. Presentational components are concerned only with displaying data - they can be regarded as, and are often implemented as, functions tha...
In Elixir, one can create multiple implementations of a function with the same name, and specify rules which will be applied to the parameters of the function before calling the function in order to determine which implementation to run. These rules are marked by the keyword when, and they go betwe...
Layout.xml <WebView android:id="@+id/WebViewToDisplay" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:layout_gravity="center" ...
In this example you will learn how to use Microsoft Cognitive Services with Xamarin iOS mobile application. We will use Computer Vision API to detect what is in the picture. Once you create Xamarin.iOS project please add below NuGet package to the project: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft....
<ul> <li v-for="n in 10">{{11 - n}} pigs are tanning at the beach. One got fried, and </ul> https://jsfiddle.net/gurghet/3jeyka22/
Here's a layout that renders two, four, or six cells across depending on screen size. <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-6 col-md-3 col-lg-2">1</div> <div class="col-xs-6 col-md-3 co...
using NUnit.Framework; namespace MyModuleTests { [TestFixture] public class MyClassTests { [TestCase(1, "Hello", true)] [TestCase(2, "bye", false)] public void MyMethod_WhenCalledWithParameters_ReturnsExpected(int param1, string para...
https://www.genuitec.com/products/gapdebug/ GapDebug is a comprehensive mobile debugging tool that bridges the gap left by other debugging options. Operating on both the Windows and Mac platforms, GapDebug allows debugging of hybrid mobile apps, such as PhoneGap and Cordova, on modern iOS and Andro...
The BluetoothLE API was introduced in API 18. However, the way of scanning devices has changed in API 21. The searching of devices must start with defining the service UUID that is to be scanned (either officailly adopted 16-bit UUID's or proprietary ones). This example illustrates, how to make an A...
Some examples to understand the workflow of using Go C Bindings What In Go you can call C programs and functions using cgo. This way you can easily create C bindings to other applications or libraries that provides C API. How All you need to do is to add a import "C" at the beginning o...
Directives can be decorated just like services and we can modify or replace any of it's functionality. Note that directive itself is accessed at position 0 in $delegate array and name parameter in decorator must include Directive suffix (case sensitive). So, if directive is called myDate, it can be...

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