Tutorial by Examples: c

Without splatting it is very cumbersome to try and pass values down through the call stack. But if you combine splatting with the power of the @PSBoundParameters then you can pass the top level parameter collection down through the layers. Function Outer-Method { Param ( [string...
ArcPy is composed of a number of modules: arcpy — the basic functions and geoprocessing tools arcpy.mapping — access to mapping and map document tools arcpy.da — a data access module for working with feature classes and tables arcpy.sa — the Spatial Analyst extension module arcpy.na — the Net...
The Java Native Interface (JNI) allows you to call Java functions from native code. Here is a simple example of how to do it: Java code: package com.example.jniexample; public class JNITest { public static int getAnswer(bool) { return 42; } } Native code: int getTheAnswer(...
private static void saveItem(List<EventTracker> items) { List<WriteRequest> wrList = new ArrayList<>(); try { for (EventTracker item : items) { WriteRequest wreqItem; wreqItem = getWriteRequest(item); wrList.add(wreqItem);...
private static WriteRequest getWriteRequest(EventTracker event) { WriteRequest wreq = null;// = new WriteRequest(); if (event != null) { Map<String, AttributeValue> attributeMap = new HashMap<String, AttributeValue>(); addAttribute(attributeMap, "ev...
Technically, Ruby doesn't have functions, but methods. However, a Ruby method behaves almost identically to functions in other language: def double(n) n * 2 end This normal method/function takes a parameter n, doubles it and returns the value. Now let's define a higher order function (or met...
This example shows multiple producers and consumers sharing the same buffer. Protected entries in Ada implement a queue to handle waiting tasks. The default queuing policy is First In First Out. ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Multiple producers and consumers ...
Controller (Pages.php) public function contact() { $this->load->library('email'); $this->load->library('form_validation'); //Set form validation $this->form_validation->set_rules('name', 'Name', 'trim|required|min_length[4]|max_length[16]'); $this...
To include the base64 module in your script, you must import it first: import base64 The base64 encode and decode functions both require a bytes-like object. To get our string into bytes, we must encode it using Python's built in encode function. Most commonly, the UTF-8 encoding is used, howeve...
The base64 module also includes encoding and decoding functions for Base32. These functions are very similar to the Base64 functions: import base64 # Creating a string s = "Hello World!" # Encoding the string into bytes b = s.encode("UTF-8") # Base32 Encode the bytes e = b...
The base64 module also includes encoding and decoding functions for Base16. Base 16 is most commonly referred to as hexadecimal. These functions are very similar to the both the Base64 and Base32 functions: import base64 # Creating a string s = "Hello World!" # Encoding the string into...
Adobe created it's own encoding called ASCII85 which is similar to Base85, but has its differences. This encoding is used frequently in Adobe PDF files. These functions were released in Python version 3.4. Otherwise, the functions base64.a85encode() and base64.a85encode() are similar to the previous...
Just like the Base64, Base32, and Base16 functions, the Base85 encoding and decoding functions are base64.b85encode() and base64.b85decode(): import base64 # Creating a string s = "Hello World!" # Encoding the string into bytes b = s.encode("UTF-8") # Base85 Encode the byte...
Understanding the concept To understand content negotiation in Web API, it is important to understand the term Resource. On the web, any information that we can access can be referred as HTTP resource. There is a tremendous amount of material to view on the web which has different content type suc...
The following example is an example of a basic server: # Imports the Flask class from flask import Flask # Creates an app and checks if its the main or imported app = Flask(__name__) # Specifies what URL triggers hello_world() @app.route('/') # The function run on the index route def hello...
The request object provides information on the request that was made to the route. To utilize this object, it must be imported from the flask module: from flask import request URL Parameters In previous examples request.method and request.form were used, however we can also use the request.args...
The traditional GLSL compilation model involves compiling code for a shader stage into a shader object, then linking multiple shader objects (covering all of the stages you want to use) into a single program object. Since 4.2, program objects can be created that have only one shader stage. This met...
Installing from a zip Download the atom-mac.zip zip file from the Atom GitHub repository here Unzip the file by double clicking on it in Finder Drag the Atom application into your "Applications" folder Run the Atom application. Building from Source Requirements: macOS 10.8 or ...
To view your installed packages or themes, open settings with Ctrl+, and select either the "Packages" or "Themes" tab in the left-hand navigation bar. Note, the packages or themes you installed from other publishers will show up under the "Community Themes" section and ...

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