Tutorial by Examples: c

To delete a branch on the origin remote repository, you can use for Git version 1.5.0 and newer git push origin :<branchName> and as of Git version 1.7.0, you can delete a remote branch using git push origin --delete <branchName> To delete a local remote-tracking branch: git bra...
Given a random vector v = rand(10,1); if you want the sum of its elements, do NOT use a loop s = 0; for ii = 1:10 s = s + v(ii); end but use the vectorized capability of the sum() function s = sum(v); Functions like sum(), mean(), prod() and others, have the ability to operate ...
To find a match, the regex engine will consume characters one by one. When a partial match begins, the engine will remember the start position so it can go back in case the following characters don't complete the match. If the match is complete, the is no backtracking If the match isn't complete...
Backtracking can be caused by optional quantifiers or alternation constructs, because the regex engine will try to explore every path. If you run the regex a+b against aaaaaaaaaaaaaa there is no match and the engine will find it pretty fast. But if you change the regex to (aa*)+b the number of comb...
The function in_array() returns true if an item exists in an array. $fruits = ['banana', 'apple']; $foo = in_array('banana', $fruits); // $foo value is true $bar = in_array('orange', $fruits); // $bar value is false You can also use the function array_search() to get the key of a specifi...
Govendor is a tool that is used to import 3rd party packages into your code repository in a way that is compatible with golang's vendoring. Say for example that you are using a 3rd party package bosun.org/slog: package main import "bosun.org/slog" func main() { slog.Infof(&quo...
A flags-style enum value needs to be tested with bitwise logic because it may not match any single value. [Flags] enum FlagsEnum { Option1 = 1, Option2 = 2, Option3 = 4, Option2And3 = Option2 | Option3; Default = Option1 | Option3, } The Default value is actually a ...
NSAttributedString (and its mutable sibling NSMutableAttributedString) allows you to create strings that are complex in their appearance to the user. A common application is to use this to display a string and adding custom kerning / letter-spacing. This would be achieved as follows (where label ...
use Data::Dumper; my $data_structure = { foo => 'bar' }; print Dumper $data_structure; Using Data::Dumper is an easy way to look at data structures or variable content at run time. It ships with Perl and you can load it easily. The Dumper function returns the data structure serialized in a...
Step 1 If you already have Django installed, you can skip this step. pip install Django Step 2 Create a new project django-admin startproject hello That will create a folder named hello which will contain the following files: hello/ ├── hello/ │ ├── __init__.py │ ├── settings.py │...
Often, we need to perform an operation over every element in a variadic template parameter pack. There are many ways to do this, and the solutions get easier to read and write with C++17. Suppose we simply want to print every element in a pack. The simplest solution is to recurse: C++11 void print...
XML is made of basic building blocks, which are: element text attributes comments processing instructions An element has angle brackets: <element/> <element>some content</element> An attribute appears in an opening element tag: <element attribute-name="...
docker run --restart=always -d <container> By default, Docker will not restart containers when the Docker daemon restarts, for example after a host system reboot. Docker provides a restart policy for your containers by supplying the --restart command line option. Supplying --restart=always ...
Const ForReading = 1 Const ForWriting = 2 Const ForAppending = 8 Sub FsoExample() Dim fso As Object ' declare variable Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' Set it to be a File System Object ' now use it to check if a file exists Dim myFilePath A...
Const ForReading = 1 Const ForWriting = 2 Const ForAppending = 8 Sub ReadTextFileExample() Dim fso As Object Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim sourceFile As Object Dim myFilePath As String Dim myFileText As String myFilePath = &...
Sub CreateTextFileExample() Dim fso As Object Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim targetFile As Object Dim myFilePath As String Dim myFileText As String myFilePath = "C:\mypath\to\myfile.txt" Set targetFile = fso.CreateT...
Const ForReading = 1 Const ForWriting = 2 Const ForAppending = 8 Sub WriteTextFileExample() Dim oFso Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim oFile as Object Dim myFilePath as String Dim myFileText as String myFilePath = "C:\my...
traverse_ executes an Applicative action for every element in a Foldable structure. It ignores the action's result, keeping only the side-effects. (For a version which doesn't discard results, use Traversable.) -- using the Writer applicative functor (and the Sum monoid) ghci> runWriter $ trave...
The ternary operator is used for inline conditional expressions. It is best used in simple, concise operations that are easily read. The order of the arguments is different from many other languages (such as C, Ruby, Java, etc.), which may lead to bugs when people unfamiliar with Python's "s...
Here is some sample XML against which example XPaths can be written: <r> <e a="1"/> <f a="2" b="1">Text 1</f> <f/> <g> <i c="2">Text 2</i> Text 3 <j>Text 4</j> </g&gt...

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