Tutorial by Examples: ad

Now we will apply a strided convolution to our previously described padded example and calculate the convolution where p = 1, s = 2 Previously when we used strides = 1, our slided window moved by 1 position, with strides = s it moves by s positions (you need to calculate s^2 elements less. But in...
Once you are connected to a Gatt Server, you're going to be interacting with it by writing and reading from the server's characteristics. To do this, first you have to discover what services are available on this server and which characteristics are avaiable in each service: @Override public voi...
You can use Bluetooth LE Advertising to broadcast data packages to all nearby devices without having to establish a connection first. Bear in mind that there's a strict limit of 31 bytes of advertisement data. Advertising your device is also the first step towards letting other users connect to you....
An entity is the information that your bot extracts from a particular utterance conforming to an intent. Eg- Let My name is John Doe belong to an intent called introduction. For your bot to understand and extract the name John Doe from the sentence, you need to define an entity which does so. You c...
With the Requests module,its is only necessary to provide a file handle as opposed to the contents retrieved with .read(): from requests import post files = {'file' : open('data.txt', 'rb')} foo = post('http://http.org/post', files=files) Filename, content_type and headers can also be set:...
This section will contain some of the most advanced examples realized using Multithreading. Advanced printer (logger) A thread that prints everything is received and modifies the output according to the terminal width. The nice part is that also the "already written" output is modified w...
Laradock is a project that provides a ready to go contains tailored for Laravel use. Download or clone Laradock in your project's root folder: git clone https://github.com/Laradock/laradock.git Change directory into Laradock and generate the .env file needed to run your configurations: cd lara...
This example shows how to make an interactive presentation transition with "real-world" physics similar to iOS's notifications screen. To start with, we need a presenting view controller that the shade will appear over. This view controller will also act as our UIViewControllerTransitio...
In order to load data from a MongoDB database into an R dataframe, use the library MongoLite: # Use MongoLite library: #install.packages("mongolite") library(jsonlite) library(mongolite) # Connect to the database and the desired collection as root: db <- mongo(collection = &quo...
Audio and video assets will only block the scene if we set autoplay or if we set preload="auto": <a-scene> <a-assets> <!-- These will not block. --> <audio src="blockus.mp3"></audio> <video src="loadofblocks.mp4">&...
The first think you need to do is to download tweets. You need to Setup your tweeter account. Much Information can be found in Internet on how to do it. The following two links were useful for my Setup (last checked in May 2017) In particular I found the following two links useful (last checked in ...
libavformat usually takes in a file name and reads media directly from the filesystem. If you want to read from memory (such as streams), do the following: // Define your buffer size const int FILESTREAMBUFFERSZ = 8192; // A IStream - you choose where it comes from IStream* fileStreamData; ...
Opening a media file from the local file system. AVFormatContext *formatContext; // Open the file if(avformat_open_file(&formatContext, "path/to/file.ogg", NULL, NULL) < 0){ // Error opening file } // Do something with the file // Free resources avformat_close_inpu...
Formats contain one or more encoded and muxed streams. We usually read these in chunks, which are often called frames (though in certain cases, FFmpeg refers exclusively to decoded, raw media chunks as frames, and encoded chunks as packets, which may be confusing). To read a single frame from a form...
The API call avio_alloc_context, which sets up a custom IO context, takes in a pointer to a Read function. If you are reading from an IStream, you can use the following: /** * Reads from an IStream into FFmpeg. * * @param ptr A pointer to the user-defined IO data structure. * @param b...
Right-click on the Toolbox, then click "Choose Items". Select the COM Components tab, and then check Windows Media Player. axWindowsMediaPlayer will be added to Toolbox. Select this checkbox to use axWindowsMediaPlayer Then you can use axWindowsMediaPlayer :)
Since Git 2.13, multiple usernames and email addresses could be configured by using a folder filter. Example for Windows: .gitconfig Edit: git config --global -e Add: [includeIf "gitdir:D:/work"] path = .gitconfig-work.config [includeIf "gitdir:D:/opensource/"] ...
The following app will start an HTTP server listening on port 8080 that returns Hello world on GET /hello/world import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server._ import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer i...
BITSADMIN was used to transfer documents, download website, download files from websites, etc... This command is a deprecated command, and may be removed on next Windows updates. To prevent this issue, use the new Powershell BIT cmdlet. Here is a sample code utilizing BITSADMIN. @echo off Bitsa...
If necessary, change to your project directory cd MyAwesomeProject 1- Add react and react-router meteor npm install --save [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 2- Edit client/main.html, and replace the content will be: <body> <div id="react-root"></div...

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