Tutorial by Examples: ai

using MailKit.Net.Smtp; using MimeKit; using MimeKit.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Project.Services { /// Using a static class to store sensitive credentials /// for simplicity. Ideally these should be stored in /// configuration files public static class C...
When your device connects to a network, an intent is sent. Many apps don’t check for these intents, but to make your application work properly, you can listen to network change intents that will tell you when communication is possible. To check for network connectivity you can, for example, use the ...
A keyword is "MONARCHY" then the matrix will look like The matrix is constructed by filling in the letters of the keyword (minus duplicates) from left to right and from top to bottom, and then filling in the remainder of the matrix with the remaining letters in alphabetic order. Plai...
All images are from UK versions of Outlook. I know that some names are translated into the local language for other versions and I assume that most of the names for the tabs are translated. Probably the sequence of tabs is unchanged in non-English versions. Alternatively, you will need to look at yo...
All images in this section are from the UK version of Outlook 2016. I know that some names are translated into the local language for other versions and I assume that most of the names for the tabs are translated. Probably the sequence of tabs is unchanged in non-English versions. Alternatively, you...
The following example shows how to properly construct both GET and POST requests against Web API 2 (CORS must be configured server-side, if sent from another domain): <script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.1.js"></script> CORS with Wi...
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.6.1/angular.js"></script> CORS with Windows Authentication test (Angular) <script type="text/javascript"> var app = angular.module('myApp', []); app.c...
A common technique for using channels is to create some number of workers (or consumers) to read from the channel. Using a sync.WaitGroup is an easy way to wait for those workers to finish running. package main import ( "fmt" "sync" "time" ) func ...
Flexbox or flexible box is a layout method for arranging content on a page in a predictable manner. Flexbox provides an improvement over traditional block model positioning using floats or even table like positioning for content on the page. At its core, Flexbox can be broken down into a parent ele...
This will take about 30 minutes. We will be setting Ruby on Rails Development Environment on Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak. Open up your terminal using Ctrl + Alt + T. Installing Ruby The First step is to install Dependencies For Ruby. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git-core curl zlib1g-...
Coding method used: Hybrid/Spongy It has been forever a myth that div's can not be used in emails. There are email clients (unlike outlook) that can render div's properly. The example below will illustrate how an email can be coded that will work on Gmail app (with updates not rolled out yet), Sams...
import grails.rest.* @Resource(uri='/books') class Book { String title static constraints = { title blank:false } } Simply by adding the Resource transformation and specifying a URI, your domain class will automatically be available as a REST resource in either XM...
Given a pair of points A and B in a vector space of arbitrary dimension, one can describe the line between them as X = A + t*(B - A) = (1 - t)*A + t*B so in 2d this would be x = Ax + t*(Bx - Ax) = (1 - t)*Ax + t*Bx y = Ay + t*(By - Ay) = (1 - t)*Ay + t*By As t assumes any real value, this w...
The latest find is always the one the availability check will work against - a unsuccesful find will make AVAILABLE return false: DEFINE TEMP-TABLE tt NO-UNDO FIELD nr AS INTEGER. CREATE tt. tt.nr = 1. CREATE tt. tt.nr = 2. CREATE tt. tt.nr = 3. DISPLAY AVAILABL tt. // yes (tt w...
SSL Certificates use something called public key cryptography.We need to use Https instead of Http because of keeping data secure between servers and improving customer trust. To enable this option in grails, we have to run our app differently. The command below: grails run-app -https
The MSDN library contains several different types of documentation which can be used for implementing features. Topic Overviews These are broad overviews of topics intended to provide a general understanding of an API. These overviews also often outline best practices, and implementation strategi...
When we only want one result per transaction, that means we only want the Body, or Main Line, of each transaction. To accomplish this, there is a filter named "Main Line". By setting the Main Line filter to Yes in our search criteria, we are essentially saying "Only show me body-leve...
In quite a few cases your frame might not show up immediately and you probably have to wait till it is loaded to switch. Or else you will have NoSuchFrameException. So its always a good choice to wait before you switch. Following is a ideal way to wait till a frame is loaded. try{ new Web...
It is possible to customize the JIRA version, the port or the context path. atlas-run-standalone --product jira --version 6.0 --http-port 1337 --context-path issues The JIRA 6 instance is available under http://localhost:1337/issues There are more parameters that can be set for running atlas-ru...
The easiest way to run a local JIRA instance, is to install the SDK and run atlas-run-standalone For further details see Starting a local JIRA test instance Please note that this runs a local test instance and is not meant for production.

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