Tutorial by Examples: all

1) scikit learn scikit-learn is a Python module for machine learning built on top of SciPy and distributed under the 3-Clause BSD license. It features various classification, regression and clustering algorithms including support vector machines, random forests, gradient boosting, k-means and DBSCA...
Key Value Coding is integrated into NSObject using NSKeyValueCoding protocol. What this means? It means that any id object is capable of calling valueForKey method and its various variants like valueForKeyPath etc. ' It also means that any id object can invoke setValue method and its various vari...
Google Apps Script does not require setup or installation. The only requirement is a Google Account. A Gmail account works as well as a Google Apps for Work/Education/Government account. You can create a new Google account by going to accounts.google.com Start your first script by going to script.g...
Data types that represent monetary or currency values. Data typeRangeStoragemoney-922,337,203,685,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.58078 bytessmallmoney-214,748.3648 to 214,748.36474 bytes
NSArray *myColors = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Red", @"Green", @"Blue", @"Yellow", nil]; // Convert myColors to mutable NSMutableArray *myColorsMutable = [myColors mutableCopy];
See Boost Getting Started. Most of the Boost libraries are header-only, meaning that there's nothing you have to compile or link to. Make sure you are getting the most recent version of Boost: Visit www.boost.org Look for the Current Release download. Currently, this links here. Select the ...
quickCheckAll is a Template Haskell helper which finds all the definitions in the current file whose name begins with prop_ and tests them. {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} import Test.QuickCheck (quickCheckAll) import Data.List (sort) idempotent :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> Bool ...
Installing mongoose is as easy as running the npm command npm install mongoose --save But make sure you have also installed MongoDB for your OS or Have access to a MongoDB database. Connecting to MongoDB database: 1. Import mongoose into the app: import mongoose from 'mongoose'; 2. Specify...
ProcedureName ProcedureName argument1, argument2 Call a procedure by its name without any parentheses. Edge case The Call keyword is only required in one edge case: Call DoSomething : DoSomethingElse DoSomething and DoSomethingElse are procedures being called. If the Call keyword was rem...
Call ProcedureName Call ProcedureName(argument1, argument2) The explicit call syntax requires the Call keyword and parentheses around the argument list; parentheses are redundant if there are no parameters. This syntax was made obsolete when the more modern implicit call syntax was added to VB. ...
By default the Python random module use the Mersenne Twister PRNG to generate random numbers, which, although suitable in domains like simulations, fails to meet security requirements in more demanding environments. In order to create a cryptographically secure pseudorandom number, one can use Syst...
public class Singleton { private readonly static Singleton instance = new Singleton(); private Singleton() { } public static Singleton Instance => instance; } This implementation is thread-safe because in this case instance object is initialized in the static constructor. The ...
git shortlog summarizes git log and groups by author If no parameters are given, a list of all commits made per committer will be shown in chronological order. $ git shortlog Committer 1 (<number_of_commits>): Commit Message 1 Commit Message 2 ... Committer 2 (<number_of_...
The for keyword is also used for conditional loops, traditionally while loops in other programming languages. package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { i := 0 for i < 3 { // Will repeat if condition is true i++ fmt.Println(i) } } play ...
Leiningen Note: If you're going to use Leiningen, you first need to download and install JDK 6 or newer. The easiest way to get started with Clojure is to download and install Leiningen, the de facto standard tool to manage Clojure projects. Linux: curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/technoma...
dnf install erlang elixir
Numpy installation through pypi (the default package index used by pip) generally fails on Windows computers. The easiest way to install on Windows is by using precompiled binaries. One source for precompiled wheels of many packages is Christopher Gohkle's site. Choose a version according to your ...
Prerequisites nodejs To install the latest stable release of sails with the command-line tool issue following command: $ sudo npm install sails -g Depending on your OS you might not need to use sudo.
GitHub is a huge collection of Git repositories. In other words, you can think of GitHub as a collection of many projects! Creating An Account Visit GitHub's main page Here Pick a username, enter in your email address, and pick a secure password and you're ready to go! Useful Tools For Git/...
Assuming you have a model called Post defined in your models.py file that contains blog posts, and has a date_published field. Step 1: Write the context processor Create (or add to) a file in your app directory called context_processors.py: from myapp.models import Post def recent_blog_posts...

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