Tutorial by Examples: bi

HeroChildComponent has two input properties, typically adorned with @Input decorations. import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core'; import { Hero } from './hero'; @Component({ selector: 'hero-child', template: ` <h3>{{hero.name}} says:</h3> <p>I, {{hero.nam...
The @HostBinding decorator allows us to programatically set a property value on the directive's host element. It works similarly to a property binding defined in a template, except it specifically targets the host element. The binding is checked for every change detection cycle, so it can change dyn...
Occasionally it's useful to assign one or more ports manually vs using the defaults. Doing so can solve port availability/permissions issues or accommodate running more than one ember instance at a time. To have ember-cli attempt to identify and assign an available port, use: ember serve --port ...
For this example, we will used 4 bodies and will show only the last 8 bits of the bit masks for simplicity. The 4 bodies are 3 SKSpriteNodes, each with a physics body and a boundary: let edge = frame.insetBy(dx: 0, dy: 0) physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(edgeLoopFrom: edge) Note that the 'ed...
public class BitmapTools { /// <summary> /// Gets the cropped bitmap asynchronously. /// </summary> /// <param name="originalImage">The original image.</param> /// <param name="startPoint">The start ...
The following VHDL model drives signal s from two different processes. As the type of s is bit, an unresolved type, this is not allowed. -- File md.vhd entity md is end entity md; architecture arc of md is signal s: bit; begin p1: process begin s <= '0'; wait; e...
Some very simple and low cost hardware devices, like sensors, use a one-bit communication protocol. A single bi-directional data line connects the device to a kind of micro-controller. It is frequently pulled up by a pull-up resistor. The communicating devices drive the line low for a pre-defined du...
A binary tree is BST if it satisfies any one of the following condition: It is empty It has no subtrees For every node x in the tree all the keys (if any) in the left sub tree must be less than key(x) and all the keys (if any) in the right sub tree must be greater than key(x). So a straightf...
Note: These instructions are targeted at .NET Core 1.0.4 & 1.1.1 SDK 1.0.1 and higher. When using binary archives to install, we recommend the contents be extracted to /opt/dotnet and a symbolic link created for dotnet. If an earlier release of .NET Core is already installed, the directory and ...
ClassDeclaration's Name is bound in different ways in different scopes - The scope in which the class is defined - let binding The scope of the class itself - within { and } in class {} - const binding class Foo { // Foo inside this block is a const binding } // Foo here is a let binding...
Use the GitHub repository to get the entire code: https://github.com/firebase/functions-samples/blob/master/quickstarts/email-users Copy or clone the repository in your computer. Now go to your Firebase Console Create a Firebase Project using the Firebase Console. Enable the Google Provid...
Example of how to calculate the output shape and overcome the difficulties of using tf.nn.conv2d_transpose with unknown batch size (when input.get_shape() is (?, H, W, C) or (?, C, H, W)). def upconvolution (input, output_channel_size, filter_size_h, filter_size_w, stride_h, str...
class Node(object): def __init__(self, val): self.l_child = None self.r_child = None self.val = val class BinarySearchTree(object): def insert(self, root, node): if root is None: return node if root.val < node.val: ...
When you no longer need to receive messages, you can simply unsubscribe. You can do it like this: MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe<MainPage> (this, "Hi"); When you are supplying arguments, you have to unsubscribe from the complete signature, like this: MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe<Ma...
Pipes supports simple binary communication between a client and a server In this example: a client connects and sends a FirstMessage the server receives and answers DoSomething 0 the client receives and answers DoNothing step 2 and 3 are repeated indefinitely The command data type exchange...
Parsing input is best achieved through larger parser functions that are composed of smaller, single purpose ones. Let's say we wished to parse the following text which represents working hours: Monday: 0800 1600. We could split these into two "tokens": the day name -- "Monday&q...
By default, only functions defined in a module are visible outside of the module. In other words, if you define variables and aliases in a module, they won't be available except in the module's code. To override this behavior, you can use the Export-ModuleMember cmdlet. It has parameters called -F...
Attoparsec makes parsing binary data trivial. Assuming these definitions: import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (Parser, eitherResult, parse, take) import Data.Binary.Get (getWord32le, runGet) import Data.ByteString (ByteString, readFile) import ...
The method of SQL generation from BQL PXSelectGroupBy<> data views has been changed in Acumatica Framework 5.2. The sections below illustrate the differences using the example of PXSelectGroupBy<FinYear, Aggregate<GroupBy<FinYear.finPeriods>>>.Select(graph): Acumatica Frame...
Let's go through the problem first. Have a look on the code below: public class BankAccount { public BankAccount() {} public string AccountNumber { get; set; } public decimal AccountBalance { get; set; } public decimal CalculateInterest() { // Co...

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