Tutorial by Examples: bind

Observable.combineLatest(firstName.rx_text, lastName.rx_text) { $0 + " " + $1 } .map { "Greetings, \($0)" } .bindTo(greetingLabel.rx_text) Using the combineLatest operator every time an item is emitted by either of two Observables, combine the latest item emitted by each Obs...
Newtonsoft's Json.NET allows you to bind json dynamically (using ExpandoObject / Dynamic objects) without the need to create the type explicitly. Serialization dynamic jsonObject = new ExpandoObject(); jsonObject.Title = "Merchent of Venice"; jsonObject.Author = "William Shakes...
Sometimes we need to perform basic operations like hide/show view based on single value, for that single variable we cannot create model or it is not good practice to create model for that. DataBinding supports basic datatypes to perform those oprations. <layout xmlns:android="http://schema...
When making a bind of something, for example a date you may want to show it in a specific format without messing around with it in the code. To do this we can use the StringFormat property. Here are some examples: Text="{Binding Path=ReleaseDate, StringFormat=dddd dd MMMM yyyy}" This...
Emacs' documentation uses a consistent notation for all key bindings, which is explained here: Key chords A "key chord" is obtained by pressing two or more keys simultaneously. Key chords are denoted by separating all keys by dashes (-). They usually involve modifier keys, which are put ...
You can bind event listeners to the EventSource object to listen to different events channels using the .addEventListener method. EventSource.addEventListener(name: String, callback: Function, [options]) name: The name related to the name of the channel the server is emitting events to. callb...
<bindings > <wsHttpBinding > <binding name="mybinding" > <security mode="Transport" > <transport clientCredentialType="Basic"/ > </security > </binding > </wsHttpBinding > </bindings > ...
Binding a Swift Library in Xamarin.iOS follows the same process for Objective-C as shown in https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/ios/advanced_topics/binding_objective-c/, but with some caveats. A swift class must inherit from NSObject to be binded. Swift compiler will translate class and protoco...
Pass in a literal value (not an object), such as a string or number. Child scope gets his own value, if it updates the value, parent scope has his own old value (child scope can't modify the parens scope value). When parent scope value is changed, child scope value will be changed as well. All int...
Passing in a value by reference, you want to share the value between both scopes and manipulate them from both scopes. You should not use {{...}} for interpolation. <two-way text="'Simple text.'" <!-- 'Simple text.' --> simple-value="123" <!-- 123 Note, is...
Pass a method into a directive. It provides a way to execute an expression in the context of the parent scope. Method will be executed in the scope of the parent, you may pass some parameters from the child scope there. You should not use {{...}} for interpolation. When you use & in a directi...
angular.component("SampleComponent", { bindings: { title: '@', movies: '<', reservation: "=", processReservation: "&" } }); Here we have all binding elements. @ indicates that we need a very basic binding, from the parent scope ...
If different users need different datetime format then you may need to parse your incoming date string to actual date according to the format. In this case this snippet may help you. public class DateTimeBinder : DefaultModelBinder { public override object BindModel(ControllerContext control...
public void doSomething() { DialogTestBinding binding = DataBindingUtil .inflate(LayoutInflater.from(context), R.layout.dialog_test, null, false); Dialog dialog = new Dialog(context); dialog.setContentView(binding.getRoot()); dialog.show(); }
When using instances of QML files by directly declaring them, every property creates a binding. This is explained in the above examples. This is how you dynamically create components: var component = Qt.createComponent("Popup.qml"); var popup = component.createObject(parent, {"widt...
Cusom bindings should be registered by extending the current knockout bindingHandlers object.This is done by adding a new property to the object. ko.bindingHandlers.newBinding = { init: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) { }, update: function(e...
ValueExpression ve = AdfmfJavaUtilities.getValueExpression(<binding>, String.class); String <variable_name> = (String) ve.getValue(AdfmfJavaUtilities.getELContext()); Here "binding" indicates the EL expression from which the value is to be get. "variabl...
ValueExpression ve = AdfmfJavaUtilities.getValueExpression(<binding>, String.class); ve.setValue(AdfmfJavaUtilities.getELContext(), <value>); Here "binding" indicates the EL expression to which the value is to be stored. "value" is the desired val...
AdfELContext adfELContext = AdfmfJavaUtilities.getAdfELContext(); MethodExpression me; me = AdfmfJavaUtilities.getMethodExpression(<binding>, Object.class, new Class[] { }); me.invoke(adfELContext, new Object[] { }); "binding" indicates the EL expression from wh...
There are three modes of XAML bindings exists for either Binding and x:Bind: OneTime: Update happens only once, on initialization of the view during InitializeComponent() call. (ViewModel[sends data when initializing] -> View) OneWay: View is updated when ViewModel changes. But not in the rev...

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