Observable.combineLatest(firstName.rx_text, lastName.rx_text) { $0 + " " + $1 }
.map { "Greetings, \($0)" }
Using the combineLatest
operator every time an item is emitted by either of two Observables
, combine the latest item emitted by each Observable
. So in this way we combine the result of the two UITextField
's creating a new message with the text "Greetings, \($0)"
using string interpolation to later bind to the text of a UILabel
We can bind data to any UITableView
and UICollectionView
in an very easy way:
.bindTo(resultsTableView.rx_itemsWithCellIdentifier("WikipediaSearchCell", cellType: WikipediaSearchCell.self)) { (_, viewModel, cell) in
cell.title = viewModel.title
cell.url = viewModel.url
That’s an Rx wrapper around the cellForRowAtIndexPath
data source method. And also Rx takes care of the implementation of the numberOfRowsAtIndexPath
, which is a required method in a traditional sense, but you don’t have to implement it here, it’s taken care of.