Tutorial by Examples: comp

Here follows a example of what can be done with nested StackViews, giving the user the impression of a continuous scrolling experience using complex user interface elements or alignments.
Test automation framework can have several components depending on automation planned. Some of them(though not limited to) are: Test Runner (TestNG, JUnit, Jest, Protractor, Cucumber) Test Container (BDD Specs-Steps, Junit Tests, Spec based functions) Test Environment Configuration Test Data S...
To use multi-threading in MATLAB one can use the batch command. Note that you must have the Parallel Computing toolbox installed. For a time-consuming script, for example, for ii=1:1e8 A(ii)=sin(ii*2*pi/1e8); end to run it in batch mode one would use the following: job=batch("da&quot...
When creating a model for a table that has a composite primary key, additional work is required on the Object for the model Entity to respect those constraints. The following example SQL table and Entity demonstrates the structure to store a review left by a customer for an item in an online store....
const languages = [ 'JavaScript', 'Python', 'Java', 'Elm', 'TypeScript', 'C#', 'F#' ] // one liner const Language = ({language}) => <li>{language}</li> Language.propTypes = { message: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired } /** * If there are more ...
file_unzip = 'filename.zip' unzip = zipfile.ZipFile(file_unzip, 'r') unzip.extractall() unzip.close()
file_untar = 'filename.tar.gz' untar = tarfile.TarFile(file_untar) untar.extractall() untar.close()
To create a customization plugin, you simply create a class derived from CustomizationPlug and package it into customization. While the system is publishing customization project, it will execute the OnPublished and UpdateDatabase methods implemented in your customization plugin only within the curr...
So what we will try to do is to compile a following function int sum(int a, int b) { return a + b + 2; } on the fly. And here's the entire .cpp example: #include <iostream> #include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h" #include "llvm/IR/Module.h" #include "llvm/IR/I...
There are 2/3 options to connect components together in Talend. You should always try to use OnSubjob connectors. This saves a lot of headaches. You'll see from the examples why. What happens when you mix the connection types / What is the execution order? If OnComponent OnSubjob Keep in mi...
(require '[clj-time.core :as t]) (def date1 (t/date-time 2016 12 5)) (def date2 (t/date-time 2016 12 6)) (t/equal? date1 date2) ;; false (t/equal? date1 date1) ;; true (t/before? date1 date2) ;; true (t/before? date2 date1) ;; false (t/after? date1 date2) ;; false (t/after? date2 dat...
$BucketName = 'trevorrekognition' ### Create a new AWS S3 Bucket New-S3Bucket -BucketName $BucketName ### Upload two different photos of myself to AWS S3 Bucket Write-S3Object -BucketName $BucketName -File myphoto1.jpg Write-S3Object -BucketName $BucketName -File myphoto2.jpg ### Perform...
HTML <div :class="classes"> <input v-model="compValue" type="text" class="form-control" @keydown.enter = 'enter' @keydown.down = 'down' @keydown.up = 'up' @input = "cha...
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; interface AppProps { name: string; } interface AppState { words: string[]; } class App extends Component<AppProps, AppState> { constructor() { super(); this.state = { ...
Consider a company where every employee who is a manager, manages 1 or more employees, and every employee has only 1 manager. This results in two tables: EMPLOYEES EMP_IDFIRST_NAMELAST_NAMEMGR_IDE01JohnnyAppleseedM02E02ErinMacklemoreM01E03ColbyPaperworkM03E04RonSonswanM01 MANAGERS MGR_IDFIRST_N...
Comparisons are functions in clojure. What that means in (2>1) is (> 2 1) in clojure. Here are all the comparison operators in clojure. Greater Than (> 2 1) ;; true (> 1 2) ;; false Less Than (< 2 1) ;; false Greater Than or Equal To (>= 2 1) ;; true (>= 2 ...
Since you need to sort & rename the fields, the best option will be the Sort Component in the Data Flow task (like you mentioned) . If you only want to rename columns, then use the "Derived Column" component. The Sort component should look as follows: In my example, you can see the ...
Installation of a vmod requires an installed version of Varnish Cache, including the development files. Requirements can be found in the Varnish documentation. Source code is built with autotools: sudo apt-get install libvarnishapi-dev || sudo yum install varnish-libs-devel ./bootstrap # If run...
To add a component with a selector [prefix]-user-list, run: $ ng g c user-list installing component create src/app/user-list/user-list.component.css create src/app/user-list/user-list.component.html create src/app/user-list/user-list.component.spec.ts create src/app/use...
We can create dynamic component and get the instances of component into an array and finally rendered it on template. For example, we can can consider two widget component, ChartWidget and PatientWidget which extended the class WidgetComponent that I wanted to add in the container. ChartWidget.ts ...

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