Tutorial by Examples: cte

main.go: package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { fmt.Println(Sum(4,5)) } func Sum(a, b int) int { return a + b } main_test.go: package main import ( "testing" ) // Test methods start with `Test` func TestSum(t *testing.T) { go...
The protected keyword marks field, methods properties and nested classes for use inside the same class and derived classes only: public class Foo() { protected void SomeFooMethod() { //do something } protected class Thing { private string blah; ...
The charset attribute specifies the character encoding for the HTML document and needs to be a valid character encoding (examples include windows-1252, ISO-8859-2, Shift_JIS, and UTF-8). UTF-8 (Unicode) is the most widely used and should be used for any new project. 5 <meta charset="UTF-8...
If an object is defined with static, thread, or automatic storage duration, and it has a character type, either: char, unsigned char, or signed char, it may not be accessed by a non-character type. In the below example a char array is reinterpreted as the type int, and the behavior is undefined on e...
unique drops duplicates so that each element in the result is unique (only appears once): x = c(2, 1, 1, 2, 1) unique(x) # 2 1 Values are returned in the order they first appeared. duplicated tags each duplicated element: duplicated(x) # FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE anyDuplicated(x) >...
A class designed to be inherited-from is called a Base class. Care should be taken with the special member functions of such a class. A class designed to be used polymorphically at run-time (through a pointer to the base class) should declare the destructor virtual. This allows the derived parts of...
Use the speakUtterance: method of AVSpeechSynthesizer to convert text to speech. You need to pass an AVSpeechUtterance object to this method, which contains the text that you want to be spoken. Objective C AVSpeechSynthesizer *speaker = [[AVSpeechSynthesizer alloc] init]; AVSpeechUtterance *speec...
Swift import SystemConfiguration /// Class helps to code reuse in handling internet network connections. class NetworkHelper { /** Verify if the device is connected to internet network. - returns: true if is connected to any internet network, false if is not co...
The strchr and strrchr functions find a character in a string, that is in a NUL-terminated character array. strchr return a pointer to the first occurrence and strrchr to the last one. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> int main(void) { char toSe...
countMatches method from org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils is typically used to count occurences of a substring or character in a String: import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; String text = "One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish"; // count occurrences of a substring Str...
Python supports a translate method on the str type which allows you to specify the translation table (used for replacements) as well as any characters which should be deleted in the process. str.translate(table[, deletechars]) ParameterDescriptiontableIt is a lookup table that defines the mappin...
If you want to check that a string contains only a certain set of characters, in this case a-z, A-Z and 0-9, you can do so like this, import re def is_allowed(string): characherRegex = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9.]') string = characherRegex.search(string) return not bool(string) ...
Letters 3.0 let letters = CharacterSet.letters let phrase = "Test case" let range = phrase.rangeOfCharacter(from: letters) // range will be nil if no letters is found if let test = range { print("letters found") } else { print("letters not found") }...
Oracle's CONNECT BY functionality provides many useful and nontrivial features that are not built-in when using SQL standard recursive CTEs. This example replicates these features (with a few additions for sake of completeness), using SQL Server syntax. It is most useful for Oracle developers findin...
Given a String and a Character let text = "Hello World" let char: Character = "o" We can count the number of times the Character appears into the String using let sensitiveCount = text.characters.filter { $0 == char }.count // case-sensitive let insensitiveCount = text.low...
public string Remove() { string input = "Hello./!"; return Regex.Replace(input, "[^a-zA-Z0-9]", ""); }
2.2 func removeCharactersNotInSetFromText(text: String, set: Set<Character>) -> String { return String(text.characters.filter { set.contains( $0) }) } let text = "Swift 3.0 Come Out" var chars = Set([Character]("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ&...
If we know the length of the string, we can use a for loop to iterate over its characters: char * string = "hello world"; /* This 11 chars long, excluding the 0-terminator. */ size_t i = 0; for (; i < 11; i++) { printf("%c\n", string[i]); /* Print each character of ...
Given a JList like JList myList = new JList(items); the selected items in the list can be modified through the ListSelectionModel of the JList: ListSelectionModel sm = myList.getSelectionModel(); sm.clearSelection(); // clears the selection sm.setSelectionInterval(inde...
Visual Basic has Left, Right, and Mid functions that returns characters from the Left, Right, and Middle of a string. These methods does not exist in C#, but can be implemented with Substring(). They can be implemented as an extension methods like the following: public static class StringExtens...

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