Tutorial by Examples: ed

The following expressions are sequenced: a && b a || b a , b a ? b : c for ( a ; b ; c ) { ... } In all cases, the expression a is fully evaluated and all side effects are applied before either b or c are evaluated. In the fourth case, only one of b or c will be evaluated. In the l...
C11 The following expressions are unsequenced: a + b; a - b; a * b; a / b; a % b; a & b; a | b; In the above examples, the expression a may be evaluated before or after the expression b, b may be evaluated before a, or they may even be intermixed if they correspond to several instruct...
With this fundamental workflow model, a master branch contains all active development. Contributors will need to be especially sure they pull the latest changes before continuing development, for this branch will be changing rapidly. Everyone has access to this repo and can commit changes right to t...
iex(1)> h List.last def last(list) Returns the last element in list or nil if list is empty. Examples ┃ iex> List.last([]) ┃ nil ┃ ┃ iex> List.last([1]) ┃ 1 ┃ ┃ iex> List.last([1, 2, 3]) ┃ 3
A model can provide a lot more information than just the data about an object. Let's see an example and break it down into what it is useful for: from django.db import models from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible @python_2_unicode_compati...
Named routes are used to generate a URL or redirects to a specific route. The advantage of using a named route is, if we change the URI of a route in future, we wouldn't need to change the URL or redirects pointing to that route if we are using a named route. But if the links were generated using ...
Encapsulation allows you to make internal changes to a class without affecting any code that calls the class. This reduces coupling, or how much any given class relies on the implementation of another class. For example, let's change the implementation of the Angle class from the previous example: ...
If an object is defined with static, thread, or automatic storage duration, and it has a character type, either: char, unsigned char, or signed char, it may not be accessed by a non-character type. In the below example a char array is reinterpreted as the type int, and the behavior is undefined on e...
A query engine is required in order to execute SPARQL queries over a dataset. Query engines may be embedded in applications, or accessed remotely. Remote access may be through a vendor-specific API, or through the SPARQL protocol if an implementation supports it. This documentation will not cover ho...
EXPOSE <port> [<port>...] From Docker's documentation: The EXPOSE instruction informs Docker that the container listens on the specified network ports at runtime. EXPOSE does not make the ports of the container accessible to the host. To do that, you must use either the -p flag to ...
Avoid destructive operations on quoted objects. Quoted objects are literal objects. They are possibly embedded in the code in some way. How this works and the effects of modifications are unspecified in the Common Lisp standard, but it can have unwanted consequences like modifying shared data, tryin...
A named publication is one that possesses a name and needs to be explicitly subscribed to from the client. Consider this server side code: Meteor.publish('somePublication', function() { return SomeCollection.find() }) The client needs to request it by: Meteor.subscribe('somePublication') ...
Meteor's default templating system Spacebars and its underlying rendering subsystem Blaze integrate seemlessly with publication lifecycle methods such that a simple piece of template code can subscribe to its own data, stop and clean up its own traces during the template tear down. In order to tap ...
Using the Android API 23 or higher, very often such situation can be seen: This situation is caused by the structural change of the Android API regarding getting the resources. Now the function: public int getColor(@ColorRes int id, @Nullable Theme theme) throws NotFoundException should...
To temporarily mark a file as ignored (pass file as parameter to alias) - type: unwatch = update-index --assume-unchanged To start tracking file again - type: watch = update-index --no-assume-unchanged To list all files that has been temporarily ignored - type: unwatched = "!git ls-fil...
Use the rel="alternate" attribute to allow discoverability of your Atom/RSS feeds. <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="http://example.com/feed.xml" /> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href=&quo...
There are a variety of undocumented methods on UIColorwhich expose alternate colors or functionality. These can be found in the UIColor private header file. I will document the use of two private methods, styleString() and _systemDestructiveTintColor(). styleString Since iOS 2.0 there is a priva...
The order of keys in Python dictionaries is arbitrary: they are not governed by the order in which you add them. For example: >>> d = {'foo': 5, 'bar': 6} >>> print(d) {'foo': 5, 'bar': 6} >>> d['baz'] = 7 >>> print(a) {'baz': 7, 'foo': 5, 'bar': 6} >&g...
public async Task<Product> GetProductAsync(string productId) { using (_db) { return await _db.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<Product>("usp_GetProduct", new { id = productId }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); } }
Ruby extends the standard group syntax (...) with a named group, (?<name>...). This allows for extraction by name instead of having to count how many groups you have. name_reg = /h(i|ello), my name is (?<name>.*)/i #i means case insensitive name_input = "Hi, my name is Zaphod Be...

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