Tutorial by Examples: ee

length counts the occurences of elements a in a foldable structure t a. ghci> length [7, 2, 9] -- t ~ [] 3 ghci> length (Right 'a') -- t ~ Either e 1 -- 'Either e a' may contain zero or one 'a' ghci> length (Left "foo") -- t ~ Either String 0 ghci> length (3, True) ...
To instantiate Foldable you need to provide a definition for at least foldMap or foldr. data Tree a = Leaf | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a) instance Foldable Tree where foldMap f Leaf = mempty foldMap f (Node l x r) = foldMap f l `mappend` f x `mappend` foldMap f r fo...
Implementations of traverse usually look like an implementation of fmap lifted into an Applicative context. data Tree a = Leaf | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a) instance Traversable Tree where traverse f Leaf = pure Leaf traverse f (Node l x r) = Node <$> traverse f l <*...
The standard (section 23.3.7) specifies that a specialization of vector<bool> is provided, which optimizes space by packing the bool values, so that each takes up only one bit. Since bits aren't addressable in C++, this means that several requirements on vector are not placed on vector<bool...
Anonymous type equality is given by the Equals instance method. Two objects are equal if they have the same type and equal values (through a.Prop.Equals(b.Prop)) for every property. var anon = new { Foo = 1, Bar = 2 }; var anon2 = new { Foo = 1, Bar = 2 }; var anon3 = new { Foo = 5, Bar = 10 }; ...
VoiceOver works great most of the time, breezily reading aloud screens full of content and intuitively following the user. Alas, no general solution is perfect. Sometimes only you, the app developer, know where VoiceOver should be focused for an optimal user experience. Fortunately, VoiceOver listen...
There are two Dockerfile directives to specify what command to run by default in built images. If you only specify CMD then docker will run that command using the default ENTRYPOINT, which is /bin/sh -c. You can override either or both the entrypoint and/or the command when you start up the built im...
Even just reading the value of a pointer that was freed (i.e. without trying to dereference the pointer) is undefined behavior(UB), e.g. char *p = malloc(5); free(p); if (p == NULL) /* NOTE: even without dereferencing, this may have UB */ { } Quoting ISO/IEC 9899:2011, section 6.2.4 §2: ...
The main difference is that double-quoted String literals support string interpolations and the full set of escape sequences. For instance, they can include arbitrary Ruby expressions via interpolation: # Single-quoted strings don't support interpolation puts 'Now is #{Time.now}' # Now is #{Time...
To access tuple elements use Item1-Item8 properties. Only the properties with index number less or equal to tuple size are going to be available (i.e. one cannot access Item3 property in Tuple<T1,T2>). var tuple = new Tuple<string, int, bool, MyClass>("foo", 123, true, new MyC...
String json = "{\"name\": \"John\", \"age\":21}"; JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonParser().parse(json).getAsJsonObject(); System.out.println(jsonObject.get("name").getAsString()); //John System.out.println(jsonObject.get("age").getAs...
In Python 2, range function returns a list while xrange creates a special xrange object, which is an immutable sequence, which unlike other built-in sequence types, doesn't support slicing and has neither index nor count methods: Python 2.x2.3 print(range(1, 10)) # Out: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9...
In your Visual Studio open the Solution Explorer window then right click on your project then choose Manage NuGet Packages from the menu: In the window that opens type EntityFramework in the search box in the top right. Or if you are using Visual Studio 2015 you'll see something like this: ...
x and y are extracted from the tuple: val (x, y) = (1337, 42) // x: Int = 1337 // y: Int = 42 To ignore a value use _: val (_, y: Int) = (1337, 42) // y: Int = 42 To unpack an extractor: val myTuple = (1337, 42) myTuple._1 // res0: Int = 1337 myTuple._2 // res1: Int = 42 Note that...
You can handle multiple errors in the same rescue declaration: begin # an execution that may fail rescue FirstError, SecondError => e # do something if a FirstError or SecondError occurs end You can also add multiple rescue declarations: begin # an execution that may fail rescue ...
The function in_array() returns true if an item exists in an array. $fruits = ['banana', 'apple']; $foo = in_array('banana', $fruits); // $foo value is true $bar = in_array('orange', $fruits); // $bar value is false You can also use the function array_search() to get the key of a specifi...
A flags-style enum value needs to be tested with bitwise logic because it may not match any single value. [Flags] enum FlagsEnum { Option1 = 1, Option2 = 2, Option3 = 4, Option2And3 = Option2 | Option3; Default = Option1 | Option3, } The Default value is actually a ...
5 <input type="week" /> Dependent on browser support, a control will show for entering a week-year number and a week number with no time zone.
Hash has a default value for keys that are requested but don't exist (nil): a = {} p a[ :b ] # => nil When creating a new Hash, one can specify the default: b = Hash.new 'puppy' p b[ :b ] # => 'puppy' Hash.new also takes a block, which allows you to automatically create n...
As Array conforms to SequenceType, we can use map(_:) to transform an array of A into an array of B using a closure of type (A) throws -> B. For example, we could use it to transform an array of Ints into an array of Strings like so: let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] let words = numbers.map { Stri...

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