AMD is a module definition system that attempts to address some of the common issues with other systems like CommonJS and anonymous closures.
AMD addresses these issues by:
The key thing here is that a module can have a dependency and not hold everything up while waiting for it to load, without the developer having to write complicated code.
Here's an example of AMD:
// Define a module "myModule" with two dependencies, jQuery and Lodash
define("myModule", ["jquery", "lodash"], function($, _) {
// This publicly accessible object is our module
// Here we use an object, but it can be of any type
var myModule = {};
var privateVar = "Nothing outside of this module can see me";
var privateFn = function(param) {
return "Here's what you said: " + param;
myModule.version = 1;
myModule.moduleMethod = function() {
// We can still access global variables from here, but it's better
// if we use the passed ones
return privateFn(windowTitle);
return myModule;
Modules can also skip the name and be anonymous. When that's done, they're usually loaded by file name.
define(["jquery", "lodash"], function($, _) { /* factory */ });
They can also skip dependencies:
define(function() { /* factory */ });
Some AMD loaders support defining modules as plain objects:
define("myModule", { version: 1, value: "sample string" });