Although package:listenv
implements a list-like interface to environments, its performance relative to environments for hash-like purposes is poor on hash retrieval. However, if the indexes are numeric, it can be quite fast on retrieval. However, they have other advantages, e.g. compatibility with package:future
. Covering this package for that purpose goes beyond the scope of the current topic. However, the timing code provided here can be used in conjunction with the example for package:hash for write timings.
timingsListEnv <- plyr::adply(2^(10:15),.mar=1,.fun=function(i){
strings <- unique_strings(i)
le <- listenv::listenv()
lapply(strings, function(s) le[[s]] <<- 0L)
system.time(for (k in 1:i) le[[k]]==0L)[3]),
type = c('2_numericListEnv')