Tutorial by Topics

ParameterDetailsshowsFPSDisplay a count of the current frame rate in Frames Per Second in the view.showsNodeCountDisplay a count of the current number of SKNodes being displayed in the view.showsPhysicsDisplay a visual representation of the SKPhysicsBodys in the view.showsFieldsDisplay an image rep...
shapeLayer.fillColor shapeLayer.fillRule shapeLayer.lineCap shapeLayer.lineDashPattern shapeLayer.lineDashPhase shapeLayer.lineJoin The CAShapeLayer class draws a cubic Bezier spline in its coordinate space. The shape is composited between the layer's contents and its first sublayer. ...
A string's length can be measured in two ways: The most frequently used measure of length is the number of characters using the Len functions, but VBA can also reveal the number of bytes using LenB functions. A double-byte or Unicode character is more than one byte long.
Making API requests with Angular 2 Http service and RxJS is very similar to working with promises in Angular 1.x. Use the Http class to make requests. The Http class exposes the methods for issuing HTTP requests GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD requests via corresponding methods. It also expo...
The examples shown in this topic use early binding for clarity, and require a reference to the Microsoft ActiveX Data Object x.x Library. They can be converted to late binding by replacing the strongly typed references with Object and replacing object creation using New with CreateObject where app...
Strings can be concatenated, or joined together, using one or more concatenation operator &. String arrays can also be concatenated using the Join function and providing a string (which can be zero-length) to be used between each array element.
There are times you need to assign a string variable with a specific character repeated a specific number of times. VBA provides two main functions for this purpose: String/String$ Space/Space$.
property: inherit;
Socket.IO is a javascript library for realtime web applications. It enables realtime, bi-directional communication between web clients and servers. It has two parts: a client-side library that runs in the browser, and a server-side library for node.js. Both components have a nearly identical API. ...
ADO(ActiveX Data Objects).Net is a tool provided by Microsoft which provides access to data sources such as SQL Server, Oracle, and XML through its components. .Net front-end applications can retrieve, create, and manipulate data, once they are connected to a data source through ADO.Net with appropr...
One of the main useful features of gnuplot is the possibility of plotting data files. Plotting a data file is really simple with gnuplot, actually, once you have opened the software from the terminal, you only need to digit the command plot 'file' to get an automatic plot. First of all, before plot...

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