Tutorial by Topics: to

Multitonitis Same as Singleton, Multiton can be considered a bad practice. However, there are times when you can use it wisely (for example, if you building a system like ORM/ODM to persist multiple objects).
Auto Layout dynamically calculates the size and position of all the views in your view hierarchy, based on constraints placed on those views - by Apple. Auto Layout can also be understood by describing it as a set of rules you use for each of the views in your view hierarchy, which rule defined ho...
You can refer to the official Xamarin Forms documentation to explore more: https://www.xamarin.com/forms
Sitecore automation gives marketer a possobility to create marketing workflows which will put user through different states on the website. The example of automation usage could be registration workflow (registered, confirmed, logged in) or purchase workflow (new order, added products, payment de...
Content Compression Resistance Priority This value determines how resistant a view is to being compressed, or shrunk. A higher value here means the view will be less likely to be compressed and more likely to stay the same. Content Hugging Priority This value determines how resistant a ...
When you have huge model, it is useful to form some groups of tensors in your computational graph, that are connected with each other. For example tf.GraphKeys class contains such standart collections as: tf.GraphKeys.VARIABLES tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES tf.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES
The Open CV libraries can be found on the web by using a search engine. The Gotchas: If you lower your target platform below KitKat some of the OpenCV libraries will no longer function, specifically the classes related to org.opencv.android.Camera2Renderer and other related classes. You can p...

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