Tutorial by Topics

This section provides an overview of what tvos is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within tvos, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for tvos is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics.
Ajax uses the HTTP Protocol and can send requests using POST/GET methods from Client to Server. WebSocket is itself a protocol to communicate between Client and Server, distinct from HTTP. In Ajax when you send a request , server sends response for that request and connection ends. Using WebSocke...
Plist is used for storage of data in iOS app. Plist save data in form of Array and Dictionaries. In plist we can save data as: 1. Static data to be used in app. 2. Data that will be coming from server.
The mask element allows you to "clip" with soft edges. You can compose masks from multible elements including text. Everything of a mask that is white will be completely opaque. Everything that is black will be completely transparent. Values between white and black will be semi transparent...


ERB stands for Embedded Ruby, and is used to insert Ruby variables inside templates, e.g. HTML and YAML. ERB is a Ruby class that accepts text, and evaluates and replaces Ruby code surrounded by ERB markup. <% number = rand(10) %> this code will be evaluated <%= number %> this code wi...
SVG Fonts are not directly supported by Browsers any more. Still they are very convenient for programmatically generating fonts such as symbol fonts or barcode fonts. There are many tools out there that allow you to convert svg fonts to any other font format. Here is a list of tools you can use ...
This is section where you can find the details about the fields that is being used in Odoo 8 ParametersDescriptionstring="Name"Optional label of the fieldcompute="_compute_name_custom"Transform the fields into computed fieldsstore=TrueIf computed it will store the resultselect=T...
This is a description how you can create configuration for you own bundle in the /app/config/config.{yml,xml}
This client downloads a complete copy of the headers for all blocks in the entire block chain. This means that the download and storage requirements scale linearly with the amount of time since Bitcoin was invented.
Unit testing is an integral part of test-driven development, and an important feature for building any robust application. In Java, Unit testing is almost exclusively performed using external libraries and frameworks, most of which have their own documentation tag. This stub serves as a means of i...
mock.Setup(expression).Returns(value) //Whenever called the method in the expression will return value ParameterDetailsexpressionLambda expression that specifies the method invocation.
JavaBeans (TM) is a pattern for designing Java class APIs that allows instances (beans) to be used in various contexts and using various tools without explicitly writing Java code. The patterns consists of conventions for defining getters and setters for properties, for defining constructors, and f...
It comes very handy to use Flux approach, when your application with ReactJS on frontend is planned to grow, because of limited structures and a little bit of new code to make state changes in runtime more easing. Flux is the application architecture that Facebook uses for building client-side web...
You can use Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle) to Transfer Data from One Database to another. Its very easy as the transformation is automatically created just by creating the connection.and it can transfer Lacs of records very quickly.
Applicative is the class of types f :: * -> * which allows lifted function application over a structure where the function is also embedded in that structure. Definition class Functor f => Applicative f where pure :: a -> f a (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f ...
Sometimes is more usefull make a call to a model's method in our view, so this is a way to make it

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