Tutorial by Topics

This section provides an overview of what vertica is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within vertica, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for vertica is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topi...
Quick examples for MID LEFT and RIGHT string functions using INSTR FIND and LEN. How do you find the text between two search terms (Say: after a colon and before a comma)? How do you get the remainder of a word (using MID or using RIGHT)? Which of these functions use Zero-based params and return c...
Maruku is a Markdown interpreter for Ruby. It allows for exporting Markdown to HTML and PDF. Maruku.new(str) => parses Markdown into a Maruku object Maruku#to_html_document => returns the Maruku object as a full HTML document (as a string) ParameterUsagestrMarkdown string to be pa...
The json gem for Ruby allows for the parsing and creation of JSON. JSON.parse(json_document_string) => returns a Hash of the JSON document JSON.generate(ruby_hash) => returns a JSON document in the form of a String ParameterDetailsjson_document_stringA JSON document in the form of...
Here you will find documentation on: -Installing libraries into the Arduino IDE -Including libraries into a Sketch


mgo (pronounced as mango) is a MongoDB driver for the Go language that implements a rich and well tested selection of features under a very simple API following standard Go idioms. API Documentation [https://gopkg.in/mgo.v2][1]
This is how you would add some numbers in Clojure syntax. Since the method occurs as the first argument in the list, we are evaluating the + (or addition) method on the rest of the arguments in the list. Performing mathematical operations is the basis of manipulating data and working with list...
Caching videos, images and audios using URLSession and FileManager
This section provides an overview of what kendo-asp.net-mvc is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within kendo-asp.net-mvc, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for kendo-asp.net-mvc is new, you may need to create initial ...
Progress ABL supports two contitional statements: IF/THEN/ELSE and CASE.
This is a List of Player Events and an example on how to use them.
Details and how to use instructions about various Add-ons that are available with Heroku.
Tweepy is a Python wrapper for the Twitter API. It accesses the Twitter REST (including Search) and Stream APIs. Read more about the Twitter APIs, Tweepy documentation, or check out Tweepy on GitHub. The current version of Tweepy is 3.5.0.
Lua itself offers no class system. It is, however possible to implement classes and objects as tables with just a few tricks. function <class>.new() return setmetatable({}, {__index=<class>}) end
Find how to produce synthesized speech from text on an iOS device

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