Tutorial by Topics: a

SpriteKit is a 2D Game Engine developed by Apple. It provides high level APIs and a wide range of functionalities to developers. It also contains an internal Physics Engine. It is available on every Apple platform iOS macOS tvOS watchOS (>= 3.0) Note: If you wish to develop using 3D g...
This topic about Java collections from guava, apache, eclipse: Multiset, Bag, Multimap, utils function from this lib and so on.
dtypes are not native to pandas. They are a result of pandas close architectural coupling to numpy. the dtype of a column does not in any way have to correlate to the python type of the object contained in the column. Here we have a pd.Series with floats. The dtype will be float. Then we use as...
Matplotlib’s LaTeX support requires a working LaTeX installation, dvipng (which may be included with your LaTeX installation), and Ghostscript (GPL Ghostscript 8.60 or later is recommended). Matplotlib’s pgf support requires a recent LaTeX installation that includes the TikZ/PGF packages (such ...
string gettext (string $message)
A monad is a data type of composable actions. Monad is the class of type constructors whose values represent such actions. Perhaps IO is the most recognizable one: a value of IO a is a "recipe for retrieving an a value from the real world". We say a type constructor m (such as [] or Maybe...
ParameterDefinitionReadable Streamtype of stream where data can be read fromWritable Streamtype of stream where data can be written toDuplex Streamtype of stream that is both readable and writeableTransform Streamtype of duplex stream that can transform data as it is being read and then written ...
In all cases when extending types and modules, the extending code must be added/loaded before the code that is to call it. It must also be made available to the calling code by opening/importing the relevant namespaces.
pack(fmt, v1, v2, ...) unpack(fmt, buffer)
Floating action button is used for a special type of promoted action,it animates onto the screen as an expanding piece of material, by default. The icon within it may be animated,also FAB may move differently than other UI elements because of their relative importance. A floating action button repr...
Link to official documentation: https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.5.x/ScalaWS
Quitting the application on window close It's easy to forget to quit the application when the window is closed. Remember to add the following line. frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //Quit the application when the JFrame is closed
Official documentation Package documentation You can use the play json package independently from Play by including "com.typesafe.play" % "play-json_2.11" % "2.5.3" in your build.sbt, see https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.typesafe.play/play-json_2.11 Addin...

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