Tutorial by Topics: co

pyinstaller [options] script [script ...] | specfile PyInstaller is a module used to bundle python apps in a single package along with all the dependencies. The user can then run the package app without a python interpreter or any modules. It correctly bundles many major packages like numpy...
Model–view–controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern in software design, not a design pattern, which describes a way to structure our application and the responsibilities and interactions for each part in that structure. [1] Historically, MVC was first described in 1979 by Trygve Reenskaug as ...
javap [options] <classes> NameDescription<classes>List of classes to disassemble. Can be in either package1.package2.Classname format, or package1/package2/Classname format. Do not include the .class extension.-help, --help, -?Print this usage message-versionVersion information-v...
This topic outlines some basic naming conventions used when writing in the C# language. Like all conventions, they are not enforced by the compiler, but will ensure readability between developers. For comprehensive .NET framework design guidelines, see docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/standard/design-guid...
The -- style of comment, which requires a trailing space, differs in behavior from the SQL standard, which does not require the space.
$collection = collect(['Value1', 'Value2', 'Value3']); // Keys default to 0, 1, 2, ..., Illuminate\Support\Collection provides a fluent and convenient interface to deal with arrays of data. You may well have used these without knowing, for instance Model queries that fetch multiple records...
Data vs Computed Properties The main use-case difference for the data and computed properties of a Vue instance is dependent on the potential state or probability of changing of the data. When deciding what category a certain object should be, these questions might help: Is this a constant ...
const Type myVariable = initial; // Declares a const variable; cannot be changed const Type &myReference = myVariable; // Declares a reference to a const variable const Type *myPointer = &myVariable; // Declares a pointer-to-const. The pointer can change, but the underlying data member c...
In case running cordova run android fails. Make sure that your Android device is connected to your computer and run adb devices to make sure the Android Development Tools (ADT) can detect your device.
// Single-line comment /* Multi-line/In-line comment */ /// Dartdoc comment It is good practice to add comments to your code to explain why something is done or to explain what something does. This helps any future readers of your code to more easily understand your code. Related topic(s...
Convention is a set of default rules to automatically configure a conceptual model based on domain class definitions when working with Code-First. Code-First conventions are defined in System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration.Conventions namespace (EF 5 & EF 6).

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