Tutorial by Topics: exec

The Executor interface in Java provides a way of decoupling task submission from the mechanics of how each task will be run, including details of thread use, scheduling, etc. An Executor is normally used instead of explicitly creating threads. With Executors, developers won't have to significantly r...
bool supported = document.execCommand(commandName, showDefaultUI, valueArgument) commandIdvalue⋮ Inline formatting commands backColorColor value Stringbold createLinkURL StringfontNameFont family namefontSize"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6&q...
eval(expression[, globals=None[, locals=None]]) exec(object) exec(object, globals) exec(object, globals, locals) ArgumentDetailsexpressionThe expression code as a string, or a code objectobjectThe statement code as a string, or a code objectglobalsThe dictionary to use for global variable...
Meteor.wrapAsync(func, [context]) ParametersDetailsfunc: FunctionAn asynchronous/synchronous function to be wrapped in a Fiber that takes a callback w/ parameters (error, result).context: Any (optional)A data context in which the function gets executed upon. An asynchronously wrapped funct...
child_process.exec(command[, options][, callback]) child_process.execFile(file[, args][, options][, callback]) child_process.fork(modulePath[, args][, options]) child_process.spawn(command[, args][, options]) child_process.execFileSync(file[, args][, options]) child_process.execSync(command[,...
ParameterDescription-Help | -? | /?Shows the help-File <FilePath> [<Args>]Path to script-file that should be executed and arguments (optional)-Command { - | <script-block> [-args <arg-array>] | <string> [<CommandParameters>] }Commands to be executed followed by a...
@FixMethodOrder // Runs test using default method sorter @FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters) // Runs test using MethodSorter associated with the MethodSorters enum.
Warning Prepared statement cannot care a wild parameter for the table names. For exemple this following statement is not correct : $query = "SELECT name, city FROM ? WHERE id = ? AND country = ?"; The correct prepared query would be : $query = "SELECT name, city FROM users WHE...
From MSDN: Target Build Order Determining the Target Build Order MSBuild determines the target build order as follows: InitialTargets targets are run. Targets specified on the command line by the /target switch are run. If you specify no targets on the command line, then the DefaultTar...
ThreadPoolExecutor ThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize, int maximumPoolSize, long keepAliveTime, TimeUnit unit, BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue) ThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize, int maximumPoolSize, long keepAliveTime, TimeUnit unit, BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue,...

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