Tutorial by Topics: function

foreign import ccall unsafe "foo" hFoo :: Int32 -> IO Int32 {- Imports a function named foo in some object file, and defines the symbol hFoo which can be called with Haskell code. -} While cabal has support for including a C and C++ libraries in a Haskell package, there are a f...
Intrinsic Functions are included in the COBOL standard as a set of functions that return values from a specific algorithm, given zero or more arguments. These intrinsic functions are provided as a facility of the compiler and runtime system. The return items are temporary COBOL fields, and can be c...
translate(float x, float y, float z) rotateX(float angle) rotateY(float angle) rotateZ(float angle) box(float size) box(float w, float h, float d) ParametersDetailsanglethe angle is in radianssizethe dimension of the box to be used for all its dimensionswthe dimension of the box in the ...
You can add starting variables to the function by adding <parameter> to it's label. These starting variables can be accessed with %n where n is the starting variable's number (%1 for the first, %2 for the second. This %n method works for %1 - %9. For parameter 10 - 255, you will need to use ...
<?php $trimmed_text = wp_trim_words( $text, $num_words = 55, $more = null ); ?> ParameterDetails$text(String) (Required) Text that will be shortened or trimmed.$num_words(Integer) (Required) Number of words to which text will be restricted.$more(String) (Optional) What to append if $te...
The SUMPRODUCT function multiplies corresponding components in the given arrays, and returns the sum of those products SUMPRODUCT(array1, [array2], [array3], ...) The array arguments must have the same dimensions. If they do not, SUMPRODUCT returns the #VALUE! error value. SUMPRODUCT tre...
When using async callback we need to consider scope. Especially if inside a loop. This simple article shows what not to do and a simple working example.
Adding custom helpers can assist you with your development speed. There are a few things to take into consideration while writing such helper functions though, hence this tutorial. Just a few pointers: We've put the function definitions within a check (function_exists) to prevent exceptions whe...
Functions as First-class members means, it can enjoy privileges just like Objects does. It can be assigned to a variable, passed on to a function as parameter or can be used as return type.
If you have to change some things in renderer.js or main.js but you want to do the changes in index.html, you can use the remote function. It lets you access all the electron functions you need! use remote like require("electron"): main.js:    const electron = require("elec...
You use analytic functions to determine values based on groups of values. For example, you can use this type of function to determine running totals, percentages, or the top result within a group. FIRST_VALUE ( scalar_expression ) OVER ( [ partition_by_clause ] order_by_clause [ rows_range_cl...
A user defined function in Progress ABL is a reusable program module. A function must be declared in the "main" procedure. It cannot be declared inside a procedure or inside another function. A function in Progress ABL isn't a "first class citizen" unlike in programming ...
Function is a series of statements enclosed by "Function" and "End Function" statements. The Function performs an activity and returns control to the caller. When it returns control, it also returns a value to the calling code. You can define a Function in a Class, Structure &a...
In Postgres, cryptographic functions can be unlocked by using pgcrypto module. CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto;
Advance functions like map, flatMap, filter, and reduce are used to operate on various collection types like Array and Dictionary. Advance functions typically require little code and can be chained together in order to build up complex logic in a concise way.
Functions are pieces of code that can be executed by other functions of your program. Your program always starts with the main function. See also asynchronous functions. Methods are exactly the same as function, but they act on an object instance.

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