Tutorial by Topics: line

The asset pipeline provides a framework to concatenate and minify or compress JavaScript and CSS assets. It also adds the ability to write these assets in other languages and pre-processors such as CoffeeScript, Sass and ERB. It allows assets in your application to be automatically combined with ass...
The assignment of string-literals in VBA is confined by the limitations of the IDE and the codepage of the current user's language settings. The examples above demonstrate the special-cases of escaped strings, special, non-printable strings and long string-literals. When assigning string-literals...
As of version 1.8, several of the routines in np.linalg can operate on a 'stack' of matrices. That is, the routine can calculate results for multiple matrices if they're stacked together. For example, A here is interpreted as two stacked 3-by-3 matrices: np.random.seed(123) A = np.random.rand(2,...
The sqlite3 command-line shell implements an additional set of commands (which are not available in programs that use the SQLite library). Official documentation: Special commands to sqlite3
<polyline points="10,5 25,15 20,10" /> ParameterDetailspointsThe points attribute defines a list of points. Each point is defined by a x and a y coordinate in the user coordinate system.stroke-widthWidth of strokestroke-opacityOpacity of strokestroke-dasharray(Optional) Speci...
PowerShell introduces an object pipelining model, which allows you to send whole objects down through the pipeline to consuming commandlets or (at least) the output. In contrast to classical string-based pipelining, information in piped objects don't have to be on specific positions. Commandlets can...
-A, -B and -C options are not available in POSIX (see the POSIX specifications for grep).
outline: outline-color outline-style outline-width | initial | inherit; outline-width: medium | thin | thick | length | initial | inherit; outline-style: none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | initial | inherit; ParameterDetailsdotteddotted out...
Inline assembly is the practice of adding assembly instructions in the middle of C source code. No ISO C standard requires support of inline assembly. Since it is not required, the syntax for inline assembly varies from compiler to compiler. Even though it is typically supported there are very ...
This section provides an overview of what command-line is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within command-line, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for command-line is new, you may need to create initial versions of thos...
public static void main(String[] args) ParameterDetailsargsThe command line arguments. Assuming that the main method is invoked by the Java launcher, args will be non-null, and will have no null elements. When a regular Java application is launched using the java command (or equivalent), ...

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