Tutorial by Topics: me

The Windows API is vast, and contains a lot of features. The size of the API is such that no one can know all of it. While there are many resources like StackOverflow, there is no substitute for the official documentation. Examples of Documentation: Topic Overview: Desktop Window Manager Pe...
The Mockito docs have an excellent example of how to provide a sequence of answers for multiple calls to a mock. However, they don't cover how to do that for a method that returns void, other than noting that stubbing void methods require using the do family of methods. Remember, for non-void ...
When retrieving a document from an external system, it requires us to ensure the correct document extension is affixed to the document. The sample code shows how to store a document properly in NetSuite's File Cabinet as well as attaching it to its corresponding record.
This section provides an overview of what mediawiki is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within mediawiki, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for mediawiki is new, you may need to create initial versions of those relate...
R includes two date-time classes -- POSIXct and POSIXlt -- see ?DateTimeClasses. Pitfalls With POSIXct, midnight will display only the date and time zone, though the full time is still stored. Related topics Date and Time Specialized packages lubridate
Sometimes the returned search results in a Mass Update isn't the same as the results in a standard search, this is due to some limitations in a Mass Update Search. An example of this is Rev Rec Journal entries. Therefore, the workaround for this was to get the data from the standard saved search and...
The MPVolumeView class is volume view to presents the user with a slider control for setting the system audio output volume, and a button for choosing the audio output route. MPVolumeView only shows up when building and running on an actual iOS device and will not work in a simulator.
There are multiple ways to add comment in JSP page, as it is java view technology which primarily focuses on view part of web application which includes html majorly and being java technology it can contain java code as well. So one needs to understand how to use proper comments in jsp. There are 3...
Meson is a next-generation build system designed with simplicity and explicitness in mind.
MessageBox is a simple concept for decoupling entities. For example entity A can place a message that entity B can read whenever suitable. A view controller would like to talk to another view controller, but you don't want to create a strong or weak relationship.
Inspired by game development UIPheonix is a super easy, flexible, dynamic and highly scalable UI framework + concept for building reusable component/control-driven apps for macOS, iOS and tvOS. The same API apply for cross platform development! Think of it as using Lego blocks, you can use similar o...
Parameterized Queries can be used to defend against SQL Injection attacks.
Finite States Machine concepts are usually implemented under Object Oriented Programming (OOP) languages, for example using Java language, based on the State pattern defined in GOF (refers to the book: "Design Patterns"). R provides several mechanisms to simulate the OO paradigm, let's ap...

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