Tutorial by Topics: me

Inserting an image in a word document using OpenXml require two actions: add the image inside the openxml and refer to the image in your Document if you only add the image to the openxml structure without refering it in the Word Document, the next time you "open / save" your document...
This topic discusses how to map one-to-one type relationships using Entity Framework.
The topic discusses how you can map one-to-many and many-to-many relationships using Entity Framework Code First.
This section provides an overview of what mainframe is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within mainframe, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for mainframe is new, you may need to create initial versions of those relate...
This covers single port and dual port memories. Memory type for constant width and depth. type MEMORY_TYPE is array (0 to DEPTH-1) of std_logic_vector(WIDTH-1 downto 0); Memory type for variable depth and constant width. type MEMORY_TYPE is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_ve...
PowerShell features a documentation mechanism called comment-based help. It allows documenting scripts and functions with code comments. Comment-based help is most of the time written in comment blocks containing multiple help keywords. Help keywords start with dots and identify help sections that w...
This is a polynomial algorithm for getting the minimum vertex cover of connected undirected graph. The time complexity of this algorithm is O(n2) VariableMeaningGInput connected un-directed graphXSet of verticesCFinal set of vertices The first thing you have to do in this algorithm to get al...
PHP Exceptions are thrown when an unprecedented event or error occurs. As a rule of thumb, an exception should not be used to control the application logic such as if-statements and should be a subclass of the Exception class. One main advantage of having all exceptions caught by a single class is...
Accessing rows in a dataframe using the DataFrame indexer objects .ix, .loc, .iloc and how it differentiates itself from using a boolean mask.
Parameterization is the creation of different data sets for different users in the same test script. For example, running multiple users with different credentials in the same script. This makes it one of the main aspects in performance tests creation.
Simple usage of a Meta Box in the wp-admin content editors _x( 'Text', 'Description', 'textdomain') is used to add a description for the translation service instead of __( 'Text', 'textdomain') which is just the translation _ex( 'Text', 'Description', 'textdomain') is used to echo translated ...
Transactions provide a mechanism to coordinate between multiple parties that might be accessing the same data at the same time. These "parties" might be different instances of the same code like different users running the same application or nodes in a server cluster, parts of the same pr...
There are three geometry managers to position widgets: pack(), grid() and place().
Accessing network share file using PInvoke.
Xcode includes a performance tuning application named Instruments that you can use to profile your application using all sorts of different metrics. They have tools to inspect CPU usage, memory usage, leaks, file/network activity, and energy usage, just to name a few. It’s really easy to start profi...
Apache Flume is a tool/service/data ingestion mechanism for collecting aggregating and transporting large amounts of streaming data such as log files, events (etc...) from various sources to a centralized data store. Flume is a highly reliable, distributed, and configurable tool. It is principally ...

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