Tutorial by Topics: on

List comprehensions in Python are concise, syntactic constructs. They can be utilized to generate lists from other lists by applying functions to each element in the list. The following section explains and demonstrates the use of these expressions. [x + 1 for x in (1, 2, 3)] # list comprehen...
PHP's functional programming relies on functions. Functions in PHP provide organized, reusable code to perform a set of actions. Functions simplify the coding process, prevent redundant logic, and make code easier to follow. This topic describes the declaration and utilization of functions, argument...
When using boolean coercion, the following values are considered "falsy": false 0 "" (empty string) null undefined NaN (not a number, e.g. 0/0) document.all¹ (browser context) Everything else is considered "truthy". ¹ willful violation of the ECMAScript ...
Conditional expressions, involving keywords such as if and else, provide JavaScript programs with the ability to perform different actions depending on a Boolean condition: true or false. This section covers the use of JavaScript conditionals, Boolean logic, and ternary statements. if (conditi...
NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(jsonData, options: NSJSONReadingOptions) // Returns an Object from jsonData. This method throws on failure. NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(jsonObject, options: NSJSONWritingOptions) // Returns NSData from a JSON object. Pass in NSJSONWritingOptions....
Ruby on Rails (RoR), or Rails, is an open-source popular web application framework. Rails uses Ruby, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a web application that runs on a web server. Rails uses the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern and provides a fullstack of libraries from the database all t...
Functions in Python provide organized, reusable and modular code to perform a set of specific actions. Functions simplify the coding process, prevent redundant logic, and make the code easier to follow. This topic describes the declaration and utilization of functions in Python. Python has many bui...
let regex = /pattern/[flags] let regex = new RegExp('pattern', [flags]) let ismatch = regex.test('text') let results = regex.exec('text') FlagsDetailsgglobal. All matches (don't return on the first match).mmulti-line. Causes ^ & $ to match the begin/end of each line (not only begin/e...
“ An optional value either contains a value or contains nil to indicate that a value is missing” Excerpt From: Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language (Swift 3.1 Edition).” iBooks. https://itun.es/us/k5SW7.l Basic optional use cases include: for a constant (let), use of an optional within a loo...
!= - Is not equal to == - Is equal to > - greater than < - less than >= - greater than or equal to <= - less than or equal to is - test if objects are the exact same object is not = test if objects are not the exact same object ParameterDeta...
Function pointers are pointers that point to functions instead of data types. They can be used to allow variability in the function that is to be called, at run-time. returnType (*name)(parameters) typedef returnType (*name)(parameters) typedef returnType Name(parameters); Name *n...
VersionRelease DatePrivate Beta2016-03-2612016-07-2522016-08-0432016-08-2942016-09-1252016-09-2962016-10-2072016-11-29
For many programmers the regex is some sort of magical sword that they throw to solve any kind of text parsing situation. But this tool is nothing magical, and even though it's great at what it does, it's not a full featured programming language (i.e. it is not Turing-complete). What does 'regu...
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successFunc, failureFunc) navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(updateFunc, failureFunc) navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(watchId) The Geolocation API does what you might expect: retrieve information about the client's whereabouts, represented in lat...
For full documentation including version-specific functionality, please check the official documentation. Types Defaults the json module will handle encoding and decoding of the below types by default: De-serialisation types: JSONPythonobjectdictarrayliststringstrnumber (int)intnumber (...
A key component of interactive web systems, input tags are HTML elements designed to take a specific form of input from users. Different types of input elements can regulate the data entered to fit a specified format and provide security to password entry. <input type="" name=&quo...
Some examples in this topic might have a different order when used because dictionary order is not guaranteed.
The HTML5 standards does not list the main element as a sectioning element.
You can read more about extensions in The Swift Programming Language.

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