Tutorial by Examples

//This example gets the response from iTunes { "rest": { "name": "rest", "connector": "rest", "debug": true, "options": { "useQuerystring": true, "timeout": 10000, "headers": { "accepts": "application/json", "content-type": "applicati...
There are many responsive scenarios where it's necessary to have column units exceeding 12 in a single .row element. This is known as column wrapping. If more than 12 columns are placed within a single row, each group of extra columns will, as one unit, wrap onto a new line. For example, cons...
Typically, you will want to create your SimpleJdbcCalls in a Service. This example assumes your procedure has a single output parameter that is a cursor; you will need to adjust your declareParameters to match your procedure. @Service public class MyService() { @Autowired private DataSour...
There are a number of issues with Oracle. Here's how to resolve them. Assuming your procedure output parameter is ref cursor, you will get this exception. java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column type: 2012 So change Types.REF_CURSOR to OracleTypes.CURSOR in simpleJdbcCall.declareParameters() ...
wire a; wire b; reg q; always @(a) // b missing from sensativity list q = a & b; // In simulation q will change only when a changes In hardware, q will change whenever a or b changes.
<ItemGroup> <ProjectReference Include="Foo.csproj"> <Project>{01234567-0123-0123-0123-0123456789AB}</Project> <Name>Foo</Name> </ProjectReference> </ItemGroup>
In latex we can use built-in commands to execute code whether the conditions are true or not. Comparing two integers: \ifnum\value{num}>n {A} \else {B}\fi This code executes A if num>n else B. We can substitute > with < and =. If a number is odd: \ifodd\value{num} {A}\else {B}\fi If ...
We can create loops in latex. They are similar but not as customizable as loops in other programming languages. One alternative to use loops are @loops. If we use a command which includes "@" in its name, we must be put it between \makeatletter and \makeatother. It is not allowed to use th...
Loops are useful in Tikz. The following code draws a clock without numbers: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ifthen} \usepackage{intcalc} \usepackage{tikz} \newcounter{num} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \makeatletter \setcounter{num}{1} \newcounter{angle} ...
You can create custom dialogs which contains many component and perform many functionality on it. It behaves like second stage on owner stage. In the following example an application that shows person in the main stage tableview and creates a person in a dialog (AddingPersonDialog) prepared. GUIs c...
Each attribute is associated with a component count, type, normalized, offset, stride and VBO. The VBO is no passed explicitly as a parameter but is instead the buffer bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER at the time of the call. void prepareMeshForRender(Mesh mesh){ glBindVertexArray(mesh.vao); glBi...
4.3 OpenGL 4.3 (or ARB_separate_attrib_format) adds an alternative way of specifying the vertex data, which creates a separation between the format of the data bound for an attribute and the buffer object source that provides the data. So instead of having a VAO per mesh, you may have a VAO per ver...
With a simple for loop, all zip archives in a directory can be extracted. for (i in dir(pattern=".zip$")) unzip(i) The dir function produces a character vector of the names of the files in a directory matching the regex pattern specified by pattern. This vector is looped through w...
The following regex includes 50 states and also Commonwealth/Territory (see www.50states.com): regex <- "(A[LKSZR])|(C[AOT])|(D[EC])|(F[ML])|(G[AU])|(HI)|(I[DLNA])|(K[SY])|(LA)|(M[EHDAINSOT])|(N[EVHJMYCD])|(MP)|(O[HKR])|(P[WAR])|(RI)|(S[CD])|(T[NX])|(UT)|(V[TIA])|(W[AVIY])" For exampl...
The following regular expression: us.phones.regex <- "^\\s*(\\+\\s*1(-?|\\s+))*[0-9]{3}\\s*-?\\s*[0-9]{3}\\s*-?\\s*[0-9]{4}$" Validates a phone number in the form of: +1-xxx-xxx-xxxx, including optional leading/trailing blanks at the beginning/end of each group of numbers, but not ...
In a terminal run sudo apt-get install maven Once the install is over check that it works correctly with mvn -v the output should look like: Apache Maven 3.3.9 Maven home: /usr/share/maven Java version: 1.8.0_121, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/j...
General Properties: An Azimuthal Equidistant projection is best recognized when used in polar areas. It is used in the UN's emblem. From the center point, angle and distance are preserved. But the projection will distort shape and area to achieve this, especially as one moves further from the cente...
When a navigation property exist on a model, Entity Framework will automatically create a Foreign Key column. If a specific Foreign Key name is desired but is not contained as a property in the model, it can be set explicitly using the Fluent API. By utilizing the Map method while establishing the F...
You can print log message in the terminal using console.log(). To do so, open a new terminal and run following command for Android: react-native log-android or following command if you are using iOS: react-native log-ios You will now start to see all the log message in this terminal
Goto accepts the use of variable value to act as the label to goto. Example: @echo off echo a = 1 echo b = 2 set /p "foo=Enter option:" goto %foo% However, you should check the input so it will not go to somewhere that does not exist. Going to an undefined label will terminate...

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