Tutorial by Examples: al

Normally Android-SQLiteOpenHelper does not allow fully qualified path names where the database should be stored. So public database files are not possible. You can use the SQLiteOpenHelper with a custom path if you provide a custom ContextClass and if you have write access in the target directory. ...
ByVal keyword before method parameter (or no keyword as ByVal is assumed by default) says that parameter will be sent in a way not allowing the method to change (assign a new value) the variable underlying the parameter. It doesn't prevent the content (or state) of the argument to be changed if it'...
The UMD (Universal Module Definition) pattern is used when our module needs to be imported by a number of different module loaders (e.g. AMD, CommonJS). The pattern itself consists of two parts: An IIFE (Immediately-Invoked Function Expression) that checks for the module loader that is being i...
This example portrays the most simple ALV creation using the cl_salv_table class and no additional formatting options. Additional formatting options would be included after the TRY ENDTRY block and before the alv->display( ) method call. All subsequent examples using the ABAP Objects approach to...
This example shows how to optimize the column width so that column headings and data are not chopped off. alv->get_columns( )->set_optimize( ).
This example hides the MANDT (client) field from the ALV. Note that the parameter passed to get_column( ) must be capitalized in order for this to work. alv->get_columns( )->get_column( 'MANDT' )->set_visible( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>false ).
The column text may change upon the horizontal resizing of a column. There are three methods to accomplish this: Method NameMaximum Length of Headingset_short_text10set_medium_text20set_long_text40 The following example shows usage of all three. A column object is declared and instantiated as a re...
The following method call enables usage of many advanced features such as sorting, filtering, and exporting data. alv->get_functions( )->set_all( ).
This method increases readability by giving consecutive rows alternating background color shading. alv->get_display_settings( )->set_striped_pattern( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>true ).
By default, when an ALV is displayed, the title at the top is just the program name. This method allows the user to set a title of up to 70 characters. The following example shows how a dynamic title can be set that displays the number of records displayed. alv->get_display_settings( )->set_l...
Suppose you have a parentView into which you want to insert a new subView programmatically (eg. when you want to insert an UIImageView into a UIViewController's view), than you can do it as below. Objective-C [parentView addSubview:subView]; Swift parentView.addSubview(subView) You can also...
FOR JSON PATH enables you to control format of the output JSON using column aliases: SELECT top 3 object_id as id, name as [data.name], type as [data.type] FROM sys.objects FOR JSON PATH Column alias will be used as a key name. Dot-separated column aliases (data.name and data.type) will be gen...
FOR JSON clause ignores NULL values in cells. If you want to generate "key": null pairs for cells that contain NULL values, add INCLUDE_NULL_VALUES option in the query: SELECT top 3 object_id, name, type, principal_id FROM sys.objects FOR JSON PATH, INCLUDE_NULL_VALUES NULL values in...
C11 This was a new storage specifier introduced in C11 along with multi-threading. This isn't available in earlier C standards. Denotes thread storage duration. A variable declared with _Thread_local storage specifier denotes that the object is local to that thread and its lifetime is the entire e...
Given the following XML document : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <values> <value>1</value> <value>3</value> <value>5</value> </values> We can produce an XML document describing the sum of the values wit...
Values passed as enum constructor arguments can be captured into variables by use of pattern matching. Assume the following enum: enum Color { RGB(r : Int, g : Int, b : Int); HSV(h : Int, s : Float, v : Float); } The red channel value can be captured as follows: var color = Color.RG...
To set LFS options that apply to all clones, create and commit a file named .lfsconfig at the repository root. This file can specify LFS options the same way as allowed in .git/config. For example, to exclude a certain file from LFS fetches be default, create and commit .lfsconfig with the followin...
Overview These instructions are for acquiring, building, and installing openssl from source. Openssl is usually included in package managers as well. Resources https://github.com/openssl/openssl Dependencies make perl 5 gcc/clang git Dependencies can be installed through a package mana...
textBox.KeyPress += (sender, e) => e.Handled = !char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) && !char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar); This will only permit the use of digits and control characters in the TextBox, other combinations are possible using the same approach of setting the Handle property to true to block ...
You can install the postgreSQL adapter via NPM. npm install sails-postgresql

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