Tutorial by Examples: al

Yii2 can be installed in two ways. They are Installing via Composer Installing from an Archive File Installing via Composer Installing Composer If you do not already have Composer installed, you may do so by following the instructions at getcomposer.org. On Linux and Mac OS X, you'll run th...
Use pip to install Flask in a virtualenv. pip install flask Step by step instructions for creating a virtualenv for your project: mkdir project && cd project python3 -m venv env # or `virtualenv env` for Python 2 source env/bin/activate pip install flask Never use sudo pip in...
Boilerplate code example override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let myView = UIView() myView.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor() myView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false view.addSubview(myView) // Add constraints code here // ... ...
Laravel applications are installed and managed with Composer, a popular PHP dependency manager. There are two ways to create a new Laravel application. Via Composer $ composer create-project laravel/laravel [foldername] Or $ composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel [foldername] ...
Detailed instructions on getting pandas set up or installed can be found here in the official documentation. Installing pandas with Anaconda Installing pandas and the rest of the NumPy and SciPy stack can be a little difficult for inexperienced users. The simplest way to install not only pandas, ...
ReactJS is a JavaScript library contained in a single file react-<version>.js that can be included in any HTML page. People also commonly install the React DOM library react-dom-<version>.js along with the main React file: Basic Inclusion <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <...
Knockout is available on most JavaScript platforms, or as a standalone script. Include as a script You can download the script from it's download page, then include it in your page with a standard script tag <script type='text/javascript' src='knockout-3.4.0.js'></script> Using a C...
Method 1: Below query will be applicable for SQL Server 2000+ version (Contains 12 columns) SELECT * FROM dbo.sysdatabases Method 2: Below query extract information about databases with more informations (ex: State, Isolation, recovery model etc.) Note: This is a catalog view and will be availa...
First we need to install composer. Steps to install composer Install Composer. curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php Now change directory: sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer Check composer working composer Now Composer installed. There two ways to install Yii2 adv...
Prerequisites and Requirements for Magento Community Edition 1.9 Hosting Apache 2.x ( with mod_rewrite ) or Nginx 1.7.x Due to the demands of processing Magento operations, it is recommended that you install Magento on a server with at least 2 GB of RAM. This will ensure that all of the s...
Windows If you have Visual Studio (any version including express and community) installed, F# should already be included. Just choose F# as the language when you create a new project. Or see http://fsharp.org/use/windows/ for more options. OS X Xamarin Studio supports F#. Alternately, you could u...


All is used to check, if all elements of a collection match a condition or not. see also: .Any 1. Empty parameter All: is not allowed to be used with empty parameter. 2. Lambda expression as parameter All: Returns true if all elements of collection satisfies the lambda expression and false othe...
Downloading: Download Bootstrap directly or clone, etc. from the GitHub repository Download your customized version of Bootstrap from official docs Install with bower: bower install bootstrap Install with npm: npm install bootstrap Install with composer: composer require twbs/bootstrap The...
Even just reading the value of a pointer that was freed (i.e. without trying to dereference the pointer) is undefined behavior(UB), e.g. char *p = malloc(5); free(p); if (p == NULL) /* NOTE: even without dereferencing, this may have UB */ { } Quoting ISO/IEC 9899:2011, section 6.2.4 §2: ...
Note: Before deciding which Stream to use please have a look at ParallelStream vs Sequential Stream behavior. When you want to perform Stream operations concurrently, you could use either of these ways. List<String> data = Arrays.asList("One", "Two", "Three", &q...
The FOR XML PATH can be used for concatenating values into string. The example below concatenates values into a CSV string: DECLARE @DataSource TABLE ( [rowID] TINYINT ,[FirstName] NVARCHAR(32) ); INSERT INTO @DataSource ([rowID], [FirstName]) VALUES (1, 'Alex') ,(2, 'Peter') ...
Windows PowerShell is included with the Windows Management Framework. Installation and Setup are not required on modern versions of Windows. Updates to PowerShell can be accomplished by installing a newer version of the Windows Management Framework. Other Platforms "Beta" version of P...
The easiest way to set up NumPy on Mac is with pip pip install numpy Installation using Conda. Conda available for Windows, Mac, and Linux Install Conda. There are two ways to install Conda, either with Anaconda (Full package, include numpy) or Miniconda (only Conda,Python, and the package...
The following examples show two main methods for installing Erlang/OTP on Ubuntu. Method 1 - Pre-built Binary Package Simply run this command and it will download and install the latest stable Erlang release from Erlang Solutions. $ sudo apt-get install erlang Method 2 - Build and Install from...
Callables are anything which can be called as a callback. Things that can be termed a "callback" are as follows: Anonymous functions Standard PHP functions (note: not language constructs) Static Classes non-static Classes (using an alternate syntax) Specific Object...

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