Tutorial by Examples: c

Different types of variables may be declared with special options. DATA: lv_string TYPE string, " standard declaration lv_char TYPE c, " declares a character variable of length 1 lv_char5(5) TYPE c, " declares a character variable of length 5 l_pa...
#lang scribble/manual @section{Introduction} First paragraph. Some text, some text, some text, some text, some text, some text. @section{More stuff} @subsection{This is a subsection} Second paragraph. More text, more text, more text, more text, more text, more text.
#lang scribble/manual @; Make sure that code highlighting recognises identifiers from my-package: ꩜require[@for-label[my-package]] @; Indicate which module is exporting the identifiers documented here. @defmodule[my-package] @defproc[(my-procedure [arg1 number?] [arg2 string?]) symbol?]{ ...
Go to Edit Scheme. Select Run -> Options. Check "Allow Location Simulation". Select the *.GPX File Name from the "Default Location" drop down list.
In the following naive parallel merge sort example, std::async is used to launch multiple parallel merge_sort tasks. std::future is used to wait for the results and synchronize them: #include <iostream> using namespace std; void merge(int low,int mid,int high, vector<int>&num)...
Sometimes your description can get rather long. For instance irb -h lists on argument that reads: --context-mode n Set n[0-3] to method to create Binding Object, when new workspace was created It's not immediately clear how to support this. Most solutions require adjustin...
We will start with creating a simple node application with a basic structure and then connecting with local sql server database and performing some queries on that database. Step 1: Create a directory/folder by the name of project which you intent to create. Initialize a node application using npm ...
Referring to non-static members in initializer lists before the constructor has started executing can result in undefined behavior. This results since not all members are constructed at this time. From the standard draft: §12.7.1: For an object with a non-trivial constructor, referring to any no...
First of all you need to download the SFML SDK. Then, in order to start developing SFML applications, you have to install the following items: Header files and libraries SFML is available either as dylibs or as frameworks. Only one type of binary is required although both can be installed simultan...
Simple Codec Here to illustrate the working principle we can use simple encryption and decryption as follows. public static String encrypt(String input) { // Simple encryption, not very strong! return Base64.encodeToString(input.getBytes(), Base64.DEFAULT); } public static String dec...
For example, say below is the sample data in an Excel 'Test', Purchase_Date Customer_Name Price 05-05-2017 Adam 1075 06-05-2017 Noah 1093 07-05-2017 Peter 1072 08-05-2017 Louis 1101 09-05-2017 Zoe 1248 10-05-2017 Kevin 1045 11-05-2017 Messiah 1...
SSIS tasks required. Data Flow Task: As the script component is only available in the data flow. Script Component: Inside this we will use variables and play with there values. Steps There are two methods to access variables inside of script component First Method - Using this.Variables ...
Simple Codec Here to illustrate the working principle we can use simple encryption and decryption as follows. public static String encrypt(String input) { // Simple encryption, not very strong! return Base64.encodeToString(input.getBytes(), Base64.DEFAULT); } public static String dec...
This is project directory. A service endpoint interface First we will create a service endpoint interface. The javax.jws.WebService @WebService annotation defines the class as a web service endpoint. import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.WebService; import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBi...
The example below uses the input statement to read a value from a source (in this case the string 123) into a both a character destination and a numeric destination. data test; source = '123'; numeric_destination = input(source, best.); character_destination = input(source, $3.); run; ...
Magics whose name begins with just one % take as argument the rest of the line and are called line magics. Magics that begin with a double percent sign %% take a multi-line argument and are called cell magics. A commonly used magic is %timeit, a wrapper around the Python's timeit.timeit function, f...
Crontab contains cron jobs, each related to a specific task. Cron jobs are composed of two parts, the cron expression, and a shell command to be run: * * * * * command/to/run Each field in the above expression * * * * * is an option for setting the schedule frequency. It is composed of minute,...
import scalaz._ import Scalaz._ scala> val len: String => Int = _.length len: String => Int = $$Lambda$1164/969820333@7e758f40 scala> Functor[Option].map(Some("foo"))(len) res0: Option[Int] = Some(3) scala> Functor[Option].map(None)(len) res1: Option[Int] = None ...
Having different pipes is a very common case, where each pipe does a different thing. Adding each pipe to each component may become a repetitive code. It is possible to bundle all frequently used pipes in one Module and import that new module in any component needs the pipes. breaklines.ts import...
A common need for random numbers it to generate a number that is X% of some max value. this can be done by treating the result of NextDouble() as a percentage: var rnd = new Random(); var maxValue = 5000; var percentage = rnd.NextDouble(); var result = maxValue * percentage; //suppose NextDoub...

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