Tutorial by Examples: c

If we want to remove some database connection from the list of database connections. we need to use QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase(),however it's a static function and the way it work is a little wired. // WRONG WAY QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database("sales"); QSqlQuery query(&...
If you want to comment part of your code, then comment blocks may be useful. Comment block starts with a %{ in a new line and ends with %} in another new line: a = 10; b = 3; %{ c = a*b; d = a-b; %} This allows you fo fold the sections that you commented to make the code more clean and comp...
Here's an example with the technique(hack) invented by the dostips forums' user Liviu: @echo off echo Printed by CMD.EXE cscript //nologo "%~f0?.wsf" //job:JS //job:VBS exit /b %errorlevel% ----END OF BATCH CODE--- <package> <job id="JS"> <script...
Explains how the Windows installer works, what MSI packages are, what merge modules are, how and why transforms can be used and finally commandline options for MSIEXEC. Describes the tools being provided by Microsoft (and 3rd party authoring tools such as InstallShield, Advanced Installer, Wise Pac...
<dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>{ejbModuleGroupId}</groupId> <artifactId>{ejbModuleArtifactId}</artifactId> <version>{ejbModuleVersion}</version> <type>ejb</type> </dependency> &...
The wasd-controls component controls an entity with the W, A, S and D or arrow keyboard keys. The wasd-controls component is commonly attached to an entity with the camera component. <a-entity camera look-controls wasd-controls></a-entity> For azerty keyboards, you could use Z, Q, S...
The look-controls component: Rotates the entity when we rotate a VR head-mounted display (HMD). Rotates the entity when we click-drag mouse. Rotates the entity when we touch-drag the touchscreen. The look-controls component is usually used alongside the camera component. <a-entity came...
A-Frame 0.x0.3 A-Frame provides an implementation for supporting multiple types of 6DoF controllers (Vive, Oculus Touch) via the hand-controls component. The hand-controls component is primarily for 6DoF controllers since it’s geared towards room scale interactions such as grabbing objects. The han...
A-Frame 0.x0.3 The tracked-controls component is A-Frame’s base controller component that provides the foundation for all of A-Frame’s controller components. The tracked-controls component: Grabs a Gamepad object from the Gamepad API given an ID or prefix. Applies pose (position and orien...
An Array Data Structure is used to store similar objects (or data values) in a contiguous block of memory. Array Data Structure has fixed size, which determines the number of data values that can be stored in it. Array : The C++ Way In C++ Programming Language, we can declare a static arr...
1- First all, install https://www.meteor.com/install 2- Create a project. (--bare is to create an empty project) meteor create --bare MyAwesomeProject 3- Create the minimal file structure (-p to create intermediate directories): cd MyAwesomeProject mkdir -p client server imports/api imports/ui/...
If necessary, change to your project directory cd MyAwesomeProject 1- Add react and react-router meteor npm install --save [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 2- Edit client/main.html, and replace the content will be: <body> <div id="react-root"></div...
If necessary, change to your project directory cd MyAwesomeProject 1- Add accounts packages: meteor add accounts-base accounts-password react-meteor-data 2- Add the routes to login and signup pages in imports/startup/Routes.jsx The render() method will be as follows: render() { return ( ...
db2 connect to {databaseName} db2 drop table {schema}.{table} db2 connect reset The schema is not necessary if it matches the current user name. The "db2" prefix is not necessary if you are already in a DB2 command prompt.
Two loops are concatenated if it’s possible to reach one after exiting the other on same path from entrance to exit. Sometimes these two loops are independent to each other. In those cases we can apply the design techniques specified as part of single loop testing. But if the iteration values in on...
<template> <div class="nice">Component {{title}}</div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { title: "awesome!" }; } } </script> <style> .nice { background-col...
The simplest approach to the problem (and the most commonly used so far) is to split sentences into tokens. Simplifying, words have abstract and subjective meanings to the people using and receiving them, tokens have an objective interpretation: an ordered sequence of characters (or bytes). Once sen...
Step 1: Open a Document Step 2 Option A: Press Alt + F11 This is the standard shortcut to open the VBE. Step 2 Option B: Developer Tab --> View Code First, the Developer Tab must be added to the ribbon. Go to File -> Options -> Customize Ribbon, then check the box for developer. Th...
Open Visual Studio Select File --> New --> Project menu or push Ctrl + Shift + N buttons Select Outlook VSTO Add-in template Add the following code to the project: private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show("Hel...
Associated objects are useful when you want to add functionality to existing classes which requires holding state. For example, adding a activity indicator to every UIView: Objective-C Implementation #import <objc/runtime.h> static char ActivityIndicatorKey; @implementation UIView (Ac...

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