Tutorial by Examples: comp

Computed properties will automatically be recomputed whenever any data on which the computation depends changes. However, if you need to manually change a computed property, Vue allows you to create a setter method to do this: Template (from the basic example above): <div id="example"...
A controlled component is bound to a value and its changes get handled in code using event based callbacks. class CustomForm extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { person: { firstName: '', lastName: '' } } } ...
<div *ngFor="let item of items"> <p>{{item.name}}</p> <p>{{item.price}}</p> <p>{{item.description}}</p> </div>
Prerequisites This topic is not about Redux and/or Ngrx : You need to be comfortable with Redux At least understand the basics of RxJs and Observable pattern First, let's define an example from the very beginning and play with some code : As a developer, I want to : Have an IUser inter...
`This way you will get the newest ruby but it has its downsides. Doing it like this ruby will not be managed by any application. !! Remember to chagne the version so it coresponds with your !! you need to download a tarball find a link on an official website (https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloa...
A green rect with a complex mask applied to it showing the background image. <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <mask id="myMask0"> <circle cx="50" c...
Plain Vanilla Filtering To filter any view, override its get_queryset method to return a filtered query set class HREmployees(generics.ListAPIView): def get_queryset(self): return Employee.objects.filter(department="Human Resources") All the API functions will then use t...
Main motive to develop this compound view is, below 5.0 devices does not support svg in drawable inside TextView/EditText. One more pros is, we can set height and width of drawableRight inside EditText. I have separated it from my project and created in separate module. Module Name : custom_edit_d...
There might be times where you have a data frame and you want to remove all the rows that might contain an NA value, for that the function complete.cases is the best option. We will use the first 6 rows of the airquality dataset to make an example since it already has NAs x <- head(airquality) ...
1- Define Your own custom Block typedef void(^myCustomCompletion)(BOOL); 2- Create custom method which takes your custom completion block as a parameter. -(void) customMethodName:(myCustomCompletion) compblock{ //do stuff // check if completion block exist; if we do not check it will ...
React components that are pure functions of their props and do not require any internal state can be written as JavaScript functions instead of using the standard class syntax, as: import React from 'react' const HelloWorld = (props) => ( <h1>Hello, {props.name}!</h1> ); ...
The simplest react component without a state and no properties can be written as: import * as React from 'react'; const Greeter = () => <span>Hello, World!</span> That component, however, can't access this.props since typescript can't tell if it is a react component. To access ...
This should always be your initial fix. A good policy is to decompile the database before each release. Create a decompile shortcut. This loads the database with a "/decompile" switch. Right Click your Database File. Select Copy Right Click in the explorer window and select &quot...
If your crashes are random or sporadic, then do this step. If your crashes occur every single time you run the database, then this step won't fix the issue (although bad memory may be the reason why the corruption occurred in the first place). Use a memory tester that boots outside the operating sy...
When you develop a C++ program, the next step is to compile the program before running it. The compilation is the process which converts the program written in human readable language like C, C++ etc into a machine code, directly understood by the Central Processing Unit. For example, if you have a...
Retrieve AD Computer Get-ADComputer -Identity "JohnLaptop" Retrieve All Properties Associated with Computer Get-ADComputer -Identity "JohnLaptop" -Properties * Retrieve Select Properties of Computer Get-ADComputer -Identity "JohnLaptop" -Properties * | Select-O...
//create a new ExcelPackage using (ExcelPackage excelPackage = new ExcelPackage()) { //create the WorkSheet ExcelWorksheet worksheet = excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet 1"); //add some dummy data, note that row and column indexes start at 1 for (int i = 1;...
//create a new ExcelPackage using (ExcelPackage excelPackage = new ExcelPackage()) { //create 2 WorkSheets ExcelWorksheet worksheet = excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet 1"); ExcelWorksheet worksheet2 = excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet 2"); ...
Main layout : activity_main.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:id="@+id/activity_main" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layo...
For an easier transition to Angular 2, it's recommended to use Component, available since Angular 1.5.8 myModule.ts import { MyModuleComponent } from "./components/myModuleComponent"; import { MyModuleService } from "./services/MyModuleService"; angular .module("m...

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