Tutorial by Examples: display

class ImageCreationExample { static Image createSampleImage() { // instantiate a new BufferedImage (subclass of Image) instance BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(640, 480, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); //draw something on the image paintOnI...
In order to begin using WebRTC you need to get camera and microphone permission.For that you need following things: adapter.js, you can get it from here A html webpage with a video tag and little bit of js code The adapter.js is a JavaScript shim for WebRTC, maintained by Google with help fro...
This is a screenshot of a video playing. You see a normal 16:9 video like you would expect to see in any modern video solution. This - the aspect ratio that the viewer sees - is what is called the display aspect ratio or DAR. From the illustrated parameters, we see that DAR = 1280:720 = 16:9 = 1....
import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.sw...
By default, Jsoup will display only block-level elements with a trailing line break. Inline elements are displayed without a line break. Given a body fragment, with inline elements: <select name="menu"> <option value="foo">foo</option> <option va...
Getting Started You must do the following to get started with Pygame: import pygame This opens a window of size 640,480, and stores it in a variable called screen. Setting up a window name Setting up a name for the pygame window requires the following syntax: pygame.display.set_caption('Name...
If you were to hide a link by setting display: none in the CSS then screen readers wouldn’t find it. Instead, we position it absolutely, with clipping. CSS .offscreen { position: absolute; clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px); /* for Internet Explorer */ clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px); padding: 0; b...
We have a set of data We would like to see by using the following expression in the detail textbox. we can achieve the Remark =IIF(Fields!Points.Value>=10,"Good","Average")
<PropertyGroup> <CustomMessage>Hello World</CustomMessage> <MessageImportance>Low</MessageImportance> <!-- Low / Normal / High --> </PropertyGroup> <Message Text="$(CustomMessage)" Importance="$(MessageImportance)" /> ...
AppleScript can display dialogs and alerts to the user. Dialogs are for optionally requesting user input. display dialog "Hello World" display alert "Hello World" You can customise the buttons of either using buttons and passing a list of text. display dialog "Hell...
Usually, J and K move up and down file lines. But when you have wrapping on, you may want them to move up and down the displayed lines instead. set wrap " if you haven't already set it nmap j gj nmap k gk
This example shows the simplest usage of the Image component to display an image. The Image source property is a url type that can be either a file with an absolute or relative path, an internet URL (http://) or a Qt resource (qrc:/) import QtQuick 2.3 Rectangle { width: 640 height: 4...
To view all elements in the index change the print options that “sparsifies” the display of the MultiIndex. pd.set_option('display.multi_sparse', False) df.groupby(['A','B']).mean() # Output: # C # A B # a 1 107 # a 2 102 # a 3 115 # b 5 92 # b 8 98 # c 2 87 # c 4 104 #...
DISPLAY "An error occurred with " tracked-resource UPON SYSERR DISPLAY A, B, C UPON CONSOLE DISPLAY group-data UPON user-device ON EXCEPTION WRITE device-exception-notice NOT ON EXCEPTION WRITE device-usage-log END-DISPLAY UPON CONSOLE is a default, ra...
Objects that are not built-in To print the source code of a Python object use inspect. Note that this won't work for built-in objects nor for objects defined interactively. For these you will need other methods explained later. Here's how to print the source code of the method randint from the ran...
Format and Usage: echo %cd% %cd% is a system variable that contains the current directory path
Rust has a default formatter for pointer types that can be used for displaying pointers. use std::ptr; // Create some data, a raw pointer pointing to it and a null pointer let data: u32 = 42; let raw_ptr = &data as *const u32; let null_ptr = ptr::null() as *const u32; // the {:p} mappi...
This document explains how to get Google Access tokens and use them to get Google Analytics data to be displayed in our websites. Example: A live example is available in https://newtonjoshua.com note: Use the same gmail account for all the below steps. STEP 1: Set Up Google Analytics Foll...
This document explains how to display your GitHub feeds/timeline on your website. Example: A live example is available at: https://newtonjoshua.com GitHub timeline: GitHub provides the public timeline for any user in Atom format. You can view your timeline at: https://github.com/{{GitHub...
When in the SBT console, to list all definable settings for a project: settings Or, to get a subproject's (for example, named webapp) settings: project webapp settings The first line above navigates into the specific subproject. To show the value of a specific setting (for instance, organi...

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