Tutorial by Examples: assignment

Anonymous functions can be assigned to variables for use as parameters where a callback is expected: $uppercase = function($data) { return strtoupper($data); }; $mixedCase = ["Hello", "World"]; $uppercased = array_map($uppercase, $mixedCase); print_r($uppercased); ...
Assigns the value of the right-hand operand to the storage location named by the left-hand operand, and returns the value. int x = 5; /* Variable x holds the value 5. Returns 5. */ char y = 'c'; /* Variable y holds the value 99. Returns 99 * (as the character 'c' is repr...
List Assignment If you are familiar with Perl, C, or Java, you might think that Bash would use commas to separate array elements, however this is not the case; instead, Bash uses spaces: # Array in Perl my @array = (1, 2, 3, 4); # Array in Bash array=(1 2 3 4) Create an array with new ...
The assignment operator is one of the most important operators because it allows you to change the status of a variable. If you do not overload the assigment operator for your class/struct, it is automatically generated by the compiler: the automatically-generated assignment operator performs a &qu...
In Go, you can declare multiple variables at the same time. // You can declare multiple variables of the same type in one line var a, b, c string var d, e string = "Hello", "world!" // You can also use short declaration to assign multiple variables x, y, z := 1, 2, 3 ...
Another neat feature using slices is slice assignment. Python allows you to assign new slices to replace old slices of a list in a single operation. This means that if you have a list, you can replace multiple members in a single assignment: lst = [1, 2, 3] lst[1:3] = [4, 5] print(lst) # Out: [1...
Simple arithmetic: $var = 1 # Assignment. Sets the value of a variable to the specified value $var += 2 # Addition. Increases the value of a variable by the specified value $var -= 1 # Subtraction. Decreases the value of a variable by the specified value $var *= 2 # Multiplicati...
To assign variables from the command-line, -v can be used: $ awk -v myvar="hello" 'BEGIN {print myvar}' hello Note that there are no spaces around the equal sign. This allows to use shell variables: $ shell_var="hello" $ awk -v myvar="$shell_var" 'BEGIN {print m...
C# has several operators that can be combined with an = sign to evaluate the result of the operator and then assign the result to the original variable. Example: x += y is the same as x = x + y Assignment operators: += -= *= /= %= &= |= ^= <<= >>=
$a = "some string"; results in $a having the value some string. The result of an assignment expression is the value being assigned. Note that a single equal sign = is NOT for comparison! $a = 3; $b = ($a = 5); does the following: Line 1 assigns 3 to $a. Line 2 assigns 5 to $a....
The combined assignment operators are a shortcut for an operation on some variable and subsequently assigning this new value to that variable. Arithmetic: $a = 1; // basic assignment $a += 2; // read as '$a = $a + 2'; $a now is (1 + 2) => 3 $a -= 1; // $a now is (3 - 1) => 2 $a *= 2; //...
Similarly to how we can assign a value to an object with an lvalue reference, copying it, we can also move the values from an object to another without constructing a new one. We call this move assignment. We move the values from one object to another existing object. For this, we will have to over...
A non-blocking assignment (<=) is used for assignment inside edge-sensitive always blocks. Within a block, the new values are not visible until the entire block has been processed. For example: module flip( input clk, input reset ) reg f1; reg f2; always @ (posedge clk) begin ...
Sass uses the colon (:) operator to assign values to variables. Example $foreColor: red; p { color: $foreColor; }
When writing a copy assignment operator, it is very important that it be able to work in the event of self-assignment. That is, it has to allow this: SomeType t = ...; t = t; Self-assignment usually doesn't happen in such an obvious way. It typically happens via a circuitous route through vario...
Variables can be assigned globally from any environment using <<-. bar() can now access y. bar <- function() { z <- x + y return(z) } foo <- function() { y <<- 3 z <- bar() return(z) } foo() 4 Global assignment is highly discourag...
Environments in R can be explicitly call and named. Variables can be explicitly assigned and call to or from those environments. A commonly created environment is one which encloses package:base or a subenvironment within package:base. e1 <- new.env(parent = baseenv()) e2 <- new.env(parent ...
Ruby has an or-equals operator that allows a value to be assigned to a variable if and only if that variable evaluates to either nil or false. ||= # this is the operator that achieves this. this operator with the double pipes representing or and the equals sign representing assigning of a valu...
There is a single assignment operator in VB. The equal sign = is used both for equality comparison and assignment. Dim value = 5 Notes Watch out for assignment vs. equality comparison. Dim result = leftValue = rightValue In this example you can see the equal sign being used as both a c...
Strings can be assigned directly to byte arrays and visa-versa. Remember that Strings are stored in a Multi-Byte Character Set (see Remarks below) so only every other index of the resulting array will be the portion of the character that falls within the ASCII range. Dim bytes() As Byte Dim exampl...

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