Tutorial by Examples: car

wildcard characters are used with the SQL LIKE operator. SQL wildcards are used to search for data within a table. Wildcards in SQL are:%, _, [charlist], [^charlist] % - A substitute for zero or more characters Eg: //selects all customers with a City starting with "Lo" SEL...
Using Dynamic Arrays in VBA can be quite clunky and time intensive over very large data sets. When storing simple data types in a dynamic array (Strings, Numbers, Booleans etc.), one can avoid the ReDim Preserve statements required of dynamic arrays in VBA by using the Split() function with some cl...
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} data Client = Client { firstName :: String , lastName :: String , clientID :: String } deriving (Show) printClientName :: Client -> IO () printClientName Client{..} = do p...
uses System.Generics.Collections, { TArray } System.Generics.Defaults; { TComparer<T> } var StringArray: TArray<string>; { Also works with "array of string" } ... { Sorts the array case insensitive } TArray.Sort<string>(StringArray, TComparer<string>...
To hide the blinking caret, you need to override caretRectForPosition of a UITextField and return CGRectZero. Swift 2.3 < public override func caretRectForPosition(position: UITextPosition) -> CGRect { return CGRectZero } Swift 3 override func caretRect(for position: UITextPositio...
If you want to provide a URL out of convenience for your user but map it directly to another one you're already using. Use a redirect: # config/routes.rb TestApp::Application.routes.draw do get 'courses/:course_name' => redirect('/courses/%{course_name}/lessons'), :as => "course&quot...
module.exports.routes = { 'GET /foo/*': { fn: function(req, res) { res.send("FOO!"); }, skipAssets: true }, };
Dynamic Arrays Adding and reducing variables on an array dynamically is a huge advantage for when the information you are treating does not have a set number of variables. Adding Values Dynamically You can simply resize the Array with the ReDim Statement, this will resize the array but to if you ...
The revert command allows discarding unwanted uncommitted changes. Reverting changes to a single file. hg revert example.c Reverting all changes. This will discard all changes not just the current directory. hg revert --all hg will output which files were reverted. reverting exa...
C99 Macros with variadic args: Let's say you want to create some print-macro for debugging your code, let's take this macro as an example: #define debug_print(msg) printf("%s:%d %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, msg) Some examples of usage: The function somefunc() returns -1 if failed and 0 ...
C++17 The [[nodiscard]] attribute can be used to indicate that the return value of a function shouldn't be ignored when you do a function call. If the return value is ignored, the compiler should give a warning on this. The attribute can be added to: A function definition A type Adding the a...
Puppet is a configuration management solution. Users describe the desired state of a server or software and configuration management achieves this state. This brings following advantages: Configurations can be reproduced exactly the same every time, as many times as necessary Configurations for ...
CardView provides a default elevation and corner radius so that cards have a consistent appearance across the platforms. You can customize these default values using these attributes in the xml file: card_view:cardElevation attribute add elevation in CardView. card_view:cardBackgroundColor attr...
["Guten tag " | <<"Hello">>]. In the shell this will be printed as ["Guten tag "|<<"Hello">>] instead of ["Guten tag ",<<"Hello">>]. The pipe operator will create an improper list if the last element o...
Start by installing the OS on the MicroSD card, either NOOBS or Raspbian, both provided by the Raspberry Pi foundation, available on their site. NOOBS, which stands for New Out Of Box Software, is designed for beginners, and is the easiest to install on your SD card. You can either follow their offi...
Generic arrays in Kotlin are represented by Array<T>. To create an empty array, use emptyArray<T>() factory function: val empty = emptyArray<String>() To create an array with given size and initial values, use the constructor: var strings = Array<String>(size = 5, init ...
Consider the following partial example: import com.example.somelib.*; import com.acme.otherlib.*; public class Test { private Context x = new Context(); // from com.example.somelib ... } Suppose that when when you first developed the code against version 1.0 of somelib and versi...

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