Template Literals act like strings with special features. They are enclosed by by the back-tick ``
and can be spanned across multiple lines.
Template Literals can contain embedded expressions too. These expressions are indicated by a $
sign and curly braces {}
//A single line Template Literal
var aLiteral = `single line string data`;
//Template Literal that spans across lines
var anotherLiteral = `string data that spans
across multiple lines of code`;
//Template Literal with an embedded expression
var x = 2;
var y = 3;
var theTotal = `The total is ${x + y}`; // Contains "The total is 5"
//Comarison of a string and a template literal
var aString = "single line string data"
console.log(aString === aLiteral) //Returns true
There are many other features of String Literals such as Tagged Template Literals and Raw property. These are demonstrated in other examples.